Need Help with Intial Assesment Script and such


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Hi Folks,
A little Background FMR Maine EMS EMTB here (01-03) trianed in the AAOS book and such. Now getting back into the swing and taking the Virginia EMS EMTB class that uses the Brady book. I cant seem to get the flow of the VA initial assement and the " Script" that used to come naturally years ago. Any suggestions? any body actually have a flowing script?
It is really like trying to teach a old dog new tricks

I have found that the more patient encounters you have, the greater will be your ability to engage the patient with dialog and do a good assessment. I usually always start out with something simple like introducing myself and then going on to say, "I understand your having some chest pain today", or something along those lines to get the patient to start talking.

So its kinda hard to have a script that will follow all patient encounters. Not sure if this was the response you were looking for.
I usually start with "Hi there, what's going on today?" I usually skip the "Hello sir, I'm Paramedic Surge with the Internet County Fire Department" because my name, fire department name, and certification are embroidered in large letters on my shirt. After the initial assessment, I will introduce my first name when I ask them theirs.

As for the actual assessment itself, go with what comes naturally.