Need directrions to "How To Manage PM's" (e.g., deleting them)


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reaction score
Need to see how to delete en masse and singly.
Check the box at the top then hit delete it will delete all. hit the box by the date then delete it will delete that days posts. To delete one check the box on that message line then hit delete. The delete is hidden in the little action box.
Thanks. I thought I'd tried that

There I go thinking again. Hit the deck!
OK, but it still doesn't work. FAQ please.

I selected all, no delete button on screen, and delete on keyboard does not do anything.
OK I got more instructions

OUght to be in the FAQ, not intuitive.
How to delete PM's.

  1. Go into your UserCP
  2. Click on Inbox
  3. Select either a single message or all of them
  4. Scroll to the bottom and where it says "Select Messages:" and choose Delete
  5. Click Go

Be careful, as there is no confirm option when deleting messages. Once you select Go the messages will be gone.
Go to bottom and choose to move to folder "DELETE"

Thanks all.