My Soon To be Squads Rigs

I know this forums been dead for a while but to answer a few questions

1) Wayne's got money and we use it on equipment and training
2) We don't transport in the rescue but can use it for triage or waiting for transport in MCIs
3)I'm on both Wayne EMS and Wayne Fire, EMS does extrications and fire comes to back up, one company also has a rescue, it works for us and we have no issues.

finally new question, darkages who are u I'm away in college and haven't met you so welcome to the squad and I'm sure Ill be meeting you soon. :)
Well, its good to see tax dollars so hard at work.

I really don't see the point of running BLS or even ALS in a medium duty ambulance, but some of the FDs in the more affluent communities in my state are buying them up like crazy.

But if the money's there, then they'll spend it I guess. I wonder how many paramedic salaries could be paid with the money saved by buying equipment better suited to a communities' needs? After all, cost is one of the major reasons cited as to why more communities don't provide ALS on all ambulances.
If you read jon's post (#12 in this thread), you'll see that ALS is not an option for this community. ALS providers in NJ have to be hospital-based. The community in question has good ALS coverage from 3 different hospitals. Salaries are not an issue because the crews are volunteers. The residents choose to have the best equipment, even if it may seem a little over the top. BTW, they can afford it.

Anyone who has had any contact with the Wayne squad will tell you that they are one of the most organized, tightly-run volunteer organizations in the state. I'm sure they're run better than some paid organizations.

I say good for them. Congratulations on the new rigs!