My New Tattoo - EMS

I think this is going to be my last EMS related Tattoo. It was inspired by the song "The Angel" from

I don't understand why everyone has to attack things they don't understand or agree with. I honestly think that if you don't understand it ask questions. If you don't agree with it then politely express that. Who are you to say that someones decision to do something to themselves is stupid or wrong??? I am sure that we can all sit down and pin point something about your life we don't agree with and pick that apart calling you stupid.

This mind set that EMS is just a job. I am not even a care provider and that irks me to no freaking end. EMS is a life style and those of you who don't think that are seriously lacking something. I understand that everyone wants to leave work at work and that is completely acceptable. But do you not study at home on your own time?? Do you not attempt to better yourself threw your own funding and personal time?? if you don't then I know many on this forum who would chastise you for that.. Many of you who are saying that EMS is just a job.

As far as not getting a job because of a visible tattoo I can't see that being an issue enless you said tattoo is above your shirt collar or on your hands. I have full sleeve tattoos and people still don't know that I have tattoos. I suppose that is one nice thing about working in a business casual enviroment.

To each their own. I think that if some one chooses to express their love for the job and what not then let them be. It is their skin not yours. Take your self righteous crap some where else.

Those of you who think and act as if you can do no wrong I am sure you have so please enough with the Hippocratic BS. This is a family oriented site not a site to come and argue every possible topic. Opinions are great but there is a point when we must realize that not every one is going to share our opinions and we need to stop forcing ours on others.
valid point but what happened to the educational value of this site. The only thing I have learned in the passing weeks is that opinions are all that matters here. I would think that the educational purposes would prevail..............
Don't get me wrong I am all for a good debate but we have gotten away from what I believe to be the point of this site. Education, the sharing of experience and knowledge.
I seen a woman that had.. "slippery when wet".. I guess she worked on the road construction? ....

Ahh!! That was kinda funny and gross...depending on where your mind is!

I have a [rather stupid] friend whom was once drunk and had a tattoo right above his gluteus maximus... "Exit only"
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[snip]And, at the moment, none of my tattoos are visible.

Well, that was an accurate statement. . . . . . .for about 6 months. I now have this on my inner left forearm. Not at all EMS related, but still a visible tattoo.


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Well, that was an accurate statement. . . . . . .for about 6 months. I now have this on my inner left forearm. Not at all EMS related, but still a visible tattoo.

...what is it (no offense, maybe I'm just out of it right now)?
...what is it (no offense, maybe I'm just out of it right now)?
**laugh** No, I'm not offended. It is a rather obtuse symbol. It's a viking rune. Century's ago not only did the vikings have their own alphabet (runes), but each one of their letters also had a meaning behind it. The one I got tattooed on my inner arm is called Uruz and it's the viking rune meaning strength.
**laugh** No, I'm not offended. It is a rather obtuse symbol. It's a viking rune. Century's ago not only did the vikings have their own alphabet (runes), but each one of their letters also had a meaning behind it. The one I got tattooed on my inner arm is called Uruz and it's the viking rune meaning strength.

that's pretty darn cool!
i was thinking of getting a small tatoo for every save , still nto srue about it though
That would be a mighty small tattoo, since you don't have very many "Saves"!
That would be a mighty small tattoo, since you don't have very many "Saves"!
Reaper... I could do this too... because I've been at this for 7 years and still haven't had a freaking CPR/AED save. They all die in the ED or ICU.

I've been working full-time 911 for 5 months... and I haven't even had a code.

Life's not fair, is it?
I seen a woman that had.. "slippery when wet".. I guess she worked on the road construction? ....

Yeah, all these wackers with tatt.'s and then in about 10 years, when they are doing another profession...

R/r 911

or was a fan of the Bon Jovi Album titled slippery when wet