My first quiz tomorrow!


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My instructor was nice enough to give us a study guide, thank God. It gets kinda tough cuz the Sat. classes that I take are two sessions in one day so there is A LOT of info coming at us in one day.

My moms got baby girl for the night and I am gonna start studing right now.

Wish me luck! :)
assuming its a EMT-b class good luck! if its multiple choice there are usually two good sounding answers, just pick the best one. ABC's!
Good luck! I just took our first module exam (chapters 1-5) and the quiz for WMD. The first thing we did in class was cpr. We start Airway next week. The class I'm taking is only two nights a week for four hours each class.
When I was in my EMT class and we first started taking tests they really confused me because all of the answers sounds right...The biggest tip of advice I can tell you is to pick what you would do first when it comes to the ABC's....Even if it sounds like the most basic thing you should do that is the answer the questions are looking for.

Good luck...Read your chapters...follow ABC's and you will be fine.
I know exactly what you mean hurt88. When we took the module exam there were a few questions that were very confusing because they all sounded right. There was one question (you know the kind that asks you to pick the one that's not true) I think I must have stared at that question for two or three minutes. I missed that question, and as it turned out a few of my classmates also missed it, we brought it up and were corrected. I literally just picked one because I didn't want to have not answered a question. They all sounded right.