My EMT-B is going to expire


Forum Ride Along
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I haven't been able to find a job as an EMT. I ended up working retail part time. I got an email today that says my certification is up in March and "To be eligible for recertification you must be actively working within an emergency medical service, or patient health care facility using your EMT skills or provide proof that you have performed the duties of an EMS provider for at least 6 months." Does this mean that there is no way for me to keep my certification? Is there anything I can do?
Looks like you have 6 months to find a job as a basic... you just have to be actively using it at the time of recertification (it does not have to be for 6 months unless you are no longer employed or are applying for inactive).
I believe the first recert has a clause that allows you to be inactive. Should be on the NRs website for recertification.
Can you volunteer somewhere? Even if it's only a day or two a week (or month), that might suffice. Plus, usually alot of the volunteer outfits will take care of your recert/CE hours.

Just something to consider.
check out your state's EMS website. i would imagine if you expire, but can prove you have been actively looking for a job, they may grant you more time. just an idea.
I believe the first recert has a clause that allows you to be inactive. Should be on the NRs website for recertification.

It might be the state and not the NR that's doing this. Here in Indiana we have (had?) this stupid requirement to be "affiliated" to hold ALS credentials which made things difficult for those of us who were working in non-EMS settings (such as hospitals, etc).