I'll bite.
Bleeding from where? Most likely her long bone injury.
What class of shock is she in? (hint: 1,2,3,or 4)
How would you be able to tell?
If we give a fluid bolus and she responds favorably, class I.
If she responds transiently (gets better then goes back, class II)
She does not respond she is in class III, (possibly IV, but IV is asclose to
dead as you can get without being dead and she is too well for that.)
Does she have mechanism for an aortic tear? No, neither the speed nor angle is suggestive of that. The seatbelt also reduces that possibility.
How long after insult are those usually repaired? DO they have to be repaired surgically? Hours to days, no, they can be treated without surgery in some cases.
What other organs might she be bleeding from? What artery? How would you assess for it?
Solid organs, in particular the liver (which has multiple stages of laceration as well as surgical, medical, and intravascular treatment modalities) as well as potential injury to the kidneys.
There are several arteries possible, but most likely nutrient arteries to the deformed bone.
While not perfect, abd palpation, and if she is of small frame, deep abd palpation. You could also look for bruising on both the abd and flanks.
Splint the arm. observe for changes is size and color of abd, and any injured areas like the arm.
Perhaps her bleeding is from her longbone injury? Is it life threatening? LImb threatening? What would be the finding that would tell you?
Pain out of proportion. In compartment syndrome severe pain is the primary clinical finding. You can still have a distal pulse and have compartment syndrome. It is the most time sensitive and one of the only life threatening ortho injuries.
What else do you think is important to check for in her?
Her lungs, sounds, rate rhythm, quality. You will need to check over time, as if she inhaled during the collision she risks a pneumo, which develops over time.