Muslim Hijabi in EMS


Forum Probie
I have been a PHRN for about 5 years - worked as an ED nurse prior for 10 years. I currently work in EMS, night shift, in a city of about 150,000 in the Midwest.

I am Muslim and have been more than happy to discuss it with anyone who asks but I certainly do not push my beliefs on others. I am a stereotypical Caucasian female EMS worker. Grew up in the city I work in.

I have been off work for a month and am going back soon - while off. I got engaged to a great Muslim guy and want to start wearing hijab (covering my head). It feels right to me. It's something *I* want to do (he says it is completely my decision he is behind me whatever I decide). I hadn't worn it at work before (though wear it outside of work) because in general, I feel that I go to my job to work - and that it could be seen as trying to make a religious statement. I've been around long enough to know there are a lot prejudicial attitudes towards Muslims, and while I do not think anyone I work with - either in EMS or the FD/PD we respond on scene with - would question me about it but I am almost absolutely sure they would talk about me behind my back.

Maybe because it's a new thing, or they don't know why or understand. Of course I would be more than willing to answer any questions or talk to anyone. I've asked some co-workers in EMS what they feel people would think, and they agree - no one would say anything to me, but it would be a subject of discussion. I would like to discuss with my HR before - not in an "asking permission" kind of way, but more just to be polite, and let them know this is my choice.

So I guess my question is -- how do you think it will be perceived in this day/age? I looked for similar threads and found one in 2013 basically supporting the poster and saying it's their right to choose whatever they want. However, times have changed since then. It's easier in a hospital setting than it is pre-hospital.

Thanks for any advice or comments - I want to see if there is some issues perhaps I have not already considered.


Forum Captain
On an irrelevant note, I'm working in Doha Qatar. Roughly 3/4 of our muslim female staff do not wear a head scarf during work. Work issues "uniform" head scarves upon request for female staff. A few do, mostly ones in the office and support services but not field crew.

Given current politician tensions in the continental US, I'm sure there will be mild friction here and there. We didn't always say coworkers (and patients) were smart though.


Critical Crazy
We used to wear baseball caps with our department patch. If your agency is similar, put your department patch on your hijab.

I do not see how it would interfere with the performance of your job.

EMS seems to allow far more wild personal expressions like full sleeve tattoos and gauged ears.

I don't see a professional problem.

Sure there are going to be some people with personal problems, but that is their problem.


Forum Captain
I can only answer for how I myself would perceive it, and I couldn't care less if someone else chooses to wear one.

If YOU want to, and if you feel it's not a strangulation risk (a disgruntled pt grabbing it and using it against you as a choking hazard, but I have no clue how the fabric with those works.. if that's something that can happen or not?) then go for it. I think people need to mind their own business. We have a winter snow hat and a baseball cap that are part of our uniform. I don't choose to wear either, I'm just not a hat person. But I don't care if someone else does or doesn't.


Forum Asst. Chief
I don't think any of the muslim women at my service wear hijab, but they certainly could. I regularly see MD's and RN's wearing Hijab and others wearing Kippah.

There is no policy against it and more importantly unless there were a bona fide safety requirement that would make it impossible, than the employer attempting to prohibit it would be illegal in my province. This was ruled on in a Supreme Court case on for Sikh members of the RCMP. The employer may ask for a particular colour, or where allowed a different fit (see the hijab worn by the Egyptian Beach Volley Ball Team at the Olympics or other Islamic designed sportswear). For instance Sikh Police officers wear turbans that match the colour and braiding of the Police cap, with the cab badge at the front.

Personally I'd have no problem and I'd expect few in my organization. There are always exceptions but our Leadership and HR would not tolerate it. They way I see it I'm a professional, sure we may not have religion in common, but I'm sure there's lots of things we could talk about over a shift.


Californian, Lost in Texas
I think you should do it, if you want to. Your religion is your own personal business.

With that being said, I do think that you may see *some* asinine commentary from some of your less tolerant patients. Don't let it get under your skin.


Forum Knucklehead
Depends on your service area. I work in a pretty diverse area, so it wouldnt be an issue at my job. You may get some questions since you dont look "muslim" but it wouldnt matter. Probably wont have any issues working in a city

From an operational standpoint, as long as it doesn't interfere with proper donning of our issued PPE. IE rescue helmets, PAPRs, SCBAs, then its fine. we probably wouldnt allow it on IDLH environments unless it was made of some kind of fire retarding material. But if you can get a good seal on a mask then i dont think it would be an issue.


Forum Deputy Chief
It wouldn't surprise me to get remarks from time to time, people are *******s and I have had some very delightful (sarcasm) patients lately. However, as long as it doesn't interfere with how you work, which it shouldn't, then I doubt most people would care. Do what you wanna do.


Forum Asst. Chief
It wouldn't surprise me to get remarks from time to time, people are *******s and I have had some very delightful (sarcasm) patients lately. However, as long as it doesn't interfere with how you work, which it shouldn't, then I doubt most people would care. Do what you wanna do.

Certain people will always find problems; thankfully they're a tiny but impactful part of the population. I've had people have problems with my partner being a woman, I've hand Muslim child initially uncomfortable exposing skin for the cardiac monitor and be comforted by her parents and told that it was perfectly fine to be without hijab and to allow expose skin for medical care, Chinese families more comfortable with my Chinese partner than with me. Rarely is it even overt just the body language and cues we give off when uncomfortable. The extremes are *******s and we meet all types of those in EMS; as long as they're not your colleagues, don't let them get you down.


Forum Asst. Chief
Depends on your service area. I work in a pretty diverse area, so it wouldnt be an issue at my job. You may get some questions since you dont look "muslim" but it wouldnt matter. Probably wont have any issues working in a city

From an operational standpoint, as long as it doesn't interfere with proper donning of our issued PPE. IE rescue helmets, PAPRs, SCBAs, then its fine. we probably wouldnt allow it on IDLH environments unless it was made of some kind of fire retarding material. But if you can get a good seal on a mask then i dont think it would be an issue.

Not that she'll likely even have to worry about any of that fire gear, but... this is a scarf we're talking about. It can be removed in 2 seconds if need be.


Forum Probie
Thanks SOOOOO much for all your positive words.

The material is stretchy and yes could easily be pulled off in two seconds. When I was an ED nurse and wore it, the drunk patients would make the worst comment. One called me a ninja once!!! :D:D:D

I know there may be occasional people talking about me or not understanding why I'm doing it NOW but that's ok with me. Everyone in EMS has people who sometimes dislike them for something or another. It doesn't bother me.

But yes. Thanks so much for your kind words.