If they are truly phasing out the 24 in Nova, it is long over due. Unless they hired for multiple 24hr trucks.
They have two 12hr shifts, a 3-1-3 and 3-2-3.
3-1-3, you work three days have one day off and work three days, then you have seven off. This shift, I'm not 100% sure if in nova, but you work 36hr weeks. This results in less hours. But, its better for vacation.
3-2-3, you work two weekdays, and rotate weekends. You end up with a three day weekend every other week. This shift has built in OT and in my opinion is nicer. When you are off your rotation you get two days off at a time, unless its your weekend off.
If she wants nova, have fun. She will get incredible critical care experience going to Fairfax. The sickest pt in MTI come from Nova.