Airfield Operations
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Dispatched to a call when I was with a volunteer rescue squad in Myrtle Beach many years ago for a eye injury. 5 am in the morning, pt told dispatch she needed immediate help. Address was in a long-established mobile home/rental property park (Ocean Lakes, if you've ever been to the Beach). Arrive on scene to find a 50ish woman sitting on the front porch of the residence, dressed in a plum colored ladies wool suit, jacket, high heels, and all (This is July in a beach town, mind you...). Has a small overnight suitcase sitting on the porch beside her, and she also has a metal eye guard over one eye. As we approach and ask what the problem was, she informs us that she had eye surgery in Charleston (90 miles to the south) the previous week and that today she is getting the stitches out and "requires" immediate transportation to the Medical University of SC (yup, in Charleston). I was working hard on my lip as I told her that we didn't do that sort of transport, that we were emergent only, etc. She then said "you people provide transport to the sick and injured. I am injured, so you must transport me. Pick up my bag and show me where to sit in that thing" (pointing to the unit behind me). After 15 minutes of "we don't do this/you will take me" we called dispatch and had them find us the number to the local cab company and provided it to her. Not surprisingly, she felt we had co-opted our duty to act and wouldn't sign anything. The security chief later told us that she also expected them to take her to the grocery, hair dresser and shopping because she was a resident there and her rental fee should include those services. Interesting way to end the shift... :glare: