Most bizzarre or stupid call....

Dispatched to a call when I was with a volunteer rescue squad in Myrtle Beach many years ago for a eye injury. 5 am in the morning, pt told dispatch she needed immediate help. Address was in a long-established mobile home/rental property park (Ocean Lakes, if you've ever been to the Beach). Arrive on scene to find a 50ish woman sitting on the front porch of the residence, dressed in a plum colored ladies wool suit, jacket, high heels, and all (This is July in a beach town, mind you...). Has a small overnight suitcase sitting on the porch beside her, and she also has a metal eye guard over one eye. As we approach and ask what the problem was, she informs us that she had eye surgery in Charleston (90 miles to the south) the previous week and that today she is getting the stitches out and "requires" immediate transportation to the Medical University of SC (yup, in Charleston). I was working hard on my lip as I told her that we didn't do that sort of transport, that we were emergent only, etc. She then said "you people provide transport to the sick and injured. I am injured, so you must transport me. Pick up my bag and show me where to sit in that thing" (pointing to the unit behind me). After 15 minutes of "we don't do this/you will take me" we called dispatch and had them find us the number to the local cab company and provided it to her. Not surprisingly, she felt we had co-opted our duty to act and wouldn't sign anything. The security chief later told us that she also expected them to take her to the grocery, hair dresser and shopping because she was a resident there and her rental fee should include those services. Interesting way to end the shift... :glare:
We were called to "a 20 y/o in severe pain". Engine was stuck on the road, we made our way to the house, see 15 guys running out of the house, 2 pit bulls.... They said their friend had been shot. They were very agitated and we didn't know which one might be the shooter. One guy said the shooter was in the woods, which was approx. 50 feet away. The severe pain was in the back seat of the car with 5 gsw from abdomen to head, needless to say he didn't make it. I don't think he had much time to feel any severe pain....strange, scary call. :wacko:

Those are usually great.... One of the local services had a "head injury" that turned out to be a guy shot in the head... what was better is that the calltaker had been told he was shot, and put that in as a comment... but no one bothered to update the EMS crew that it was a SHOOTING... so they beat PD to the scene.

Gotta love Dispatch errors, and callers that fail to tell the WHOLE truth.
What, you don't give foot massages! Boo hoo, I'm taking my blue hair and going home! :P :P :P
My partner and I had just finished dropping a pt off and were almost back to our station when we noticed lots of debris on the road. The next 75 feet was a menagerie of various car parts and fluids belonging to a Mazda. Bystanders flag us down, and when we found the only person involved in the accident, he asked if we know X employee and we told him she was not on duty tonight. He wanted us to tell her hi for him. He stated he only had pain to his left side. He thinks he pulled a muscle as he crawled through the drivers side window to get out since there was smoke in the car. His car looked perfect on the drivers side, but the passenger side was ripped off! He hit the guard rail and left a dent in it! He refused transport, but asked where the closest hospital was. We pointed behind us (you could see the ER from where we were), and he exclaimed "That is where I was born!". He admitted to having a few beers and got bored at the bar and was going home. He then decided to look at his car and wanted to know where the rt front tire was. I told him it was approx 50 ft. behind his car and that the shock and brakes were still attached and that his fender was on the road below (we were on an overpass). His father gets there and they both stare at the car and his dad asks "What happened?" The kid says "I don't know, it just fell apart!" The kid says he thinks that when he had it fixed, the shop failed to put it back together properly. At this point, the kid and his father are rubbing their chins and trying to figure out how to reassemble the car. The kid asks if duct tape would work!!! The father ponders this for a few minutes and realizes that the car is pretty messed up and that they would figure out something in the morning. After trying to keep a strainght face, I made sure the kid did not want tranport and had him sign a refusal. I went back in service and left it for the wreckers to figure out.
What, you don't give foot massages! Boo hoo, I'm taking my blue hair and going home! :P :P :P

No foot massages, but if (when) your heart stops I'll massage your sternum for you...:P
Ah bless your heart ^_^ Tinfireman Will you put the AED on too? ^_^
broken toes I had to transport because the patient was from out of town.

people who could drive themselves to the hospitals.

transports that occurred because litigation might be involved.

stuff like that!