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Lets take the history lesson a little further. Anyone ever wonder why ambulances on federal installations are white with orange stripes? How about private ambulances in some states? all ambulances in some states?Lets dig into the pages of history, late sixties. Of all the things people PM you about, I've been asked what my orange cross means. Does anyone take the time to learn about where EMS has gone, to get to where we've come?
The orange cross was the symbol of EMS, albeit only for a short time when EMS was born. Occasionally, you see it in old movies, or on periodically correct antique vehicles. I guess the Red Cross didn't like that idea.. and so we ended up with a blue star. I know what that means, but with out Google-ing it, does anyone else know what the Star.. of Life.. stands for? What each point of the star stands for? That's your homework.
Can anyone explain why?