Monitoring in V1 and "narrow complex" V Tach

I did email and got a response right away but was directed to his 12 lead book. Now it was put out by Brady so I would like to think there is plenty to back it up. I would like to see this info from another source however. I am by no means trying to take anything away from his lectures. They are completely outstanding and I have learned a ton from his other lectures. This one too, I just would like some more info than what is being put out there by just 1 person

If the book is written like any other college text book, or scientific book, there will be lists of references somewhere and should say where that particular chapter got it's information from. The book would be the place to look for references first. If you haven't already :)
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I do not see why, with modern equipment, a 12 lead monitor can't be used? I also can't see why a trained person with a stethoscope and a Lead II can't spot a ventricular tach, versus say SVT?

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I do not see why, with modern equipment, a 12 lead monitor can't be used? I also can't see why a trained person with a stethoscope and a Lead II can't spot a ventricular tach, versus say SVT?


Looks wide and fast to me. Like my fourth wife! (sorry, bad COD reference)
Where paramedics get tripped up is foolishly calling a wide complex tachycardia SVT with aberrancy based on axis, lack of concordance, or QRS morphology. Wide and fast should be considered VT in the field absent strong evidence that it's something different.
I went to the site given in his class and it's either under construction or the site has not been updated.
I hope that this isn't the case for anyone else....I too went to his class along with the Capnography and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one.
Just to be the rat:censored: I am...

Remember lecturers are in business to sell their lectures, even if it is to admin of a school. Once the ticket is sold or the class enrolled, everything is overhead. Plus, the more sensational or innovative the title is, the more interesting it sounds.
Thanks for the links. I actually just found out were going to be bringing him in at work this coming year to do a couple day class.