I don't get the opportunity to intubate very often in my extremely slow area. When I did do it frequently, I loved the grandview for most adults. When I moved here, they didn't have the grandview and I went back to a Mac 4 in most adult cases.
Since I don't get to use this skill often and can't seem to get anyone to realize how important it is to practice and help me get some OR time, I've resorted to back up devices on my last two codes. If I get in there with a blade and can't see, I don't even screw around. I get out and use a King LTD, which is my only available back up device. I know if a patient can be ventilated with a BLS adjunct that they don't require rapid airway intervention in these instances, but both patients were grossly obese and difficult to bag making airway one of my priorities.
I'd love to be as good as I used to be, but without practice, I just can't keep it up. I'm not going to do further damage by jacking around when I can easily insert a back up device. Those little doclings in the ER have more tubes then I do this year, I guarantee it.