Meth takes over Midwestern towns


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Book looks interesting. And yes, every true Midwesterner has at least one good meth story.
Come to Mississippi, it's really bad down here. I've been told to be very cautious if I respond to a house fire in certain areas of our town or county.
Tons of it out here in the Pacific Northwest, too. I did a report in High School about it, by looking at the local police blotter. Methamphetamine-possession accounted for about 85% of arrests, IIRC.
The county I'm from is the 3rd leading producer of meth in the state... At least it was when I was in high school... <_<
The one pot Meth Production method

It appears to be working it's way West.... First responders hopefully will make themself's aware of the hazard's that come with this production method and the crazy's who use Meth. Becareful.... as it's to blame for 50% of the crime in the state of Nevada.
I'm intrerested if anyone has a really nasty Meth story(s) that I can use and relate as bad example's.... Thanks in advance.
Come to Mississippi, it's really bad down here. I've been told to be very cautious if I respond to a house fire in certain areas of our town or county.

I think you should be cautious if you respond to any and all house fires, Meth lab or no meth lab.
Is it 1999???

But Job Security FTW!!!
Old news.

I was sitting in front of a public library minding my own business when I was 14 and was approached out of the blue by someone on meth who wanted to kick my *** and nearly did. Thank God I had a large male friend with me who stepped in...

My mom unwittingly moved in to an apartment that was formerly a meth lab, and it exacerbated her medical problems. The property owners illegally hid this information... it was only when I found out through connections with the FD and PD "hey a few years ago at this apt in this building we had a crazy meth lab bust" did the truth come out. She moved out soon after.

I did an article for my HS newspaper years ago about the growing meth problem. One of the officers I interviewed told me he was haunted by the fact that on every meth lab bust he'd ever been on (and he'd been on more than he could count)... there were young, neglected/abused children in the house.

It's a damn shame and the thing is, in my opinion, it negatively affects more innocent people than any other drug. There is such a strong correlation with child abuse, domestic violence, identity theft... crime in general. And even if you're totally innocent minding your own business doing nothing illegal, you can always have a meth lab next door and not even know it.... all of the hazmat and risk of explosion. The unbelievably high cost of making a former meth lab site livable again.... there are just so many problems associated with this drug. It's all very sad.
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