We can be mandated only when already on the clock, for instance if your relief bangs out. We can be held for eight hours, that results in double time compensation so it doesn't happen that often for the full eight hours, on average it may be an hour or two until they find relief.
If we are off shift, not working they cant call you at home and mandate you come in unless its a state of emergency, they also cant mandate me to work a shift I am not regularly scheduled for unless I voluntarily put in for it.
I'm aware issues arise and at times I may have to stay, I'm fine with that. We bargained for a double time clause so my service wouldn't rely on mandates to fill scheduled vacancies.
If we are off shift, not working they cant call you at home and mandate you come in unless its a state of emergency, they also cant mandate me to work a shift I am not regularly scheduled for unless I voluntarily put in for it.
I'm aware issues arise and at times I may have to stay, I'm fine with that. We bargained for a double time clause so my service wouldn't rely on mandates to fill scheduled vacancies.