Man steals ambulance that came to help him

he got very far, didn't he...
FAIL to keep vehicle locked at all times = Fired.
Think about all the money that county lost. The tires and the spike strip.

Ive got a call in to a few of the employees to get more details on this and havent heard back yet. I went to my medic program with alot of the employees from this company. Will give the full scoop as i get it.

This is typical tribal behavior though. The tribe being a sovereign nation for along time welcomed no local officers or the CHP onto the rez. This obviously has changed since this drunk idiot last had a clue. I have friend who does auto repo and he goes out there quite often to try and reaquire vehicles. They are normally found gutted or totaled at the outside boundry of the reservation.
And then the auto company/Banks are left with little recourse.

Anyways ill update as i get the full story.

PS The guys on that night will NEVER live this down

Never lock the truck! If they want it they can have it!!!;)
Bullcrap! My lunch and my laptop are in there! :D

The real problem is when you are IN the truck. At that time, no, they cannot have it, nor can they come in!
We have grill switches. Some of the idiots around here know quite well about them. Nothing you can do about it...