Looking into CEUs


Forum Asst. Chief
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Howdy folks! As things are starting to settle, I am taking the time to go over courses I've taken over the past year in order to start inputting CEUs into the National Registry tracker. However, the information they provide is extremely vague and generic when it comes to what exactly counts as a CEU.

So, before I list a few questionable courses here, is there a special way to contact the National Registry to ask about whether a certain course counts as credit or not?
Looked a little more and found that the NR has a pretty solid list when adding a course, so I'll just use that for the most part. I do have a question about college courses though. NR takes Psychology as CEU credit, stating, "Hour for hour credit can be applied for college Courses that relate to your role as an EMS professional (1 college credit = 8 CEU)". So let's say my Psych course counted as 3 credit hours. Does that mean for Hours under add course I put 3, or do I put 24? I'm confused because the tracker seems to track hours, not CE "units".

Thanks guys!