Looking for quotes

Working in EMS is a privilege, not a right.
When there's a chimp on the loose don't stage near a fruit stand.
I'm not sure where I read these, some sort of Samurai novel I think, and while they're not expressly applicable to EMS, I think they are kind of fitting considering that the term samurai translates into servant.

"For the coward there is no life. For the hero, there is no death." Take from it what you like, I kinda see it as a reason not to be afraid to do things else you'll be trapped by your fear, and no matter the outcome of a situation, if you acted with courage, you did indeed make a difference.

"A samurai never stands alone." Again, take from it what you will, but I like to think this means that as a public servant, we get to be part of a long and proud tradition of people who were devoted to saving lives, and even now, we get to be part of a brotherhood that transcends any boundaries. So when it hits the fan out there, and you feel all alone, just remember that you're not.

Deep stuff, right?