Looking for info on being an EMT


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Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a few question I have about being an EMT?

The first one I have is what are the hours like for being full-time and part-time?

I'm taking college classes and working a part-time job right now, but I wanted to get EMT training since it was something I've always wanted to do. So some insight on the hours would be helpful!

The second question is how would I be able to find a place that offers the training?

I'm located out in San Jose, CA. If anyone has experience from this area, it would greatly help me out if you could recommend some places for training.

My third question would be, just to share some experience if you can about working as an EMT. Please feel free to share the worst and the best, I would love to get more of a feel as to how my days would be!

Read at least some of the forum before you ask these questions, as they have been answered before.

Quick answers anyway as I'm feeling benevolent.

1. Hours can be 8, 10, 12, 24, 48 hr shifts, or some less common lengths. Part time hours can run from PRN where you take shifts as available and needed all the way to regularly scheduled 36 hrs/week. FT hours will vary greatly depending on where you work. I work an average of 42/week with 4 12s and then four full days off. Others do 48 hr weeks or 56 hours. Many in FT EMS also pick up large amounts of OT and/or have another part time gig.

2. I know nothing about California EMS education, but again, do a search.

Welcome to the forum and EMS, and good luck!
Sorry about that... I was searching for the training locations in my area, and was hoping to get some information about how the work is. Your reply still helped me get an insight as to the hours! Thanks so much!
Since you said you're in college, check other campuses in your college system to see if they offer an EMT course. I've heard some good good things about Foothill's programs over the years, but I don't know how good their program is these days. I would certainly advise you to take the course at a junior college as you'll have more time to absorb the information you're given. Is it all that hard? Not really. EMT could be completed in about a month or so, if you went full-time. It's not the difficulty that gets people, rather it's just that it's presented relatively quickly, and for most people, they're not used to getting info like that.

I would also advise you to take Anatomy & Physiology (full year) courses because that will give you a much better insight into how the body works and why. It'll also get you started/setup for a better understanding of things should you go on to Paramedic, RN, or any other career in healthcare.