Looking for employment


Forum Ride Along
I am currently located in North Carolina. I am working on my A.A.S in Paramedics with a minor in Spanish at a community college. I will graduate next December with my associates degree. I am looking for a place to relocate to once I graduate. I am originally from New York. I love New York, but I love the south too. I want to work in a large city in the south (best of both worlds). I was thinking either Atlanta, Charleston, or Richmond. I'm really interested in working in Atlanta. Can anyone give me any information on what it's like to work in Atlanta? Pay? Work enivorment (I plan on being a 911 emergency paramedic)? Opportunities to advance? Retirement (401K or Roth)? Insurance? Anything advice, personal stories would be great. I'm young and since I told my mom I'm not going to a four year college instead I'm to a community college (and join the Air Force to pay for it) she stopped helping me. I'm going to talk to my instructors to see if I can do any of my clincial or field work out of state.


Forum Crew Member
I recommend Grady in Atlanta,Ga I went their for my internship and it was a great experience they had a vast amount of calls and I learned so much within 2 months of being there. I heard that they do hire intern because they know how the work life is and they start at 20$ an hour.


Forum Lieutenant
MEDIC in Mecklenburg Co NC. We operate out of Charlotte. Everything you would be looking for is here. Www.medic911.com