Cautionary Note
Am also in the process of regaining my Medic through NREMT. The Registry has pretty clear guidelines but be prepared for two hurdles:
1. "Have a letter of support from the State EMS office..." In my State that means I have had to get the support of both the Chief of my service and our Medical Director as well. Also be prepared to have Official with a captial "O" copies of everything.
2. More importantly, have a formal plan for getting your clinical skills up to date. If re-entering it has likely been a while since you dropped a tube, did a drip calculation or read a 12-lead when fatigued or otherwise functioned at a level of proficiency any patient deserves from a medic. That is true for me anyway. (My rural service draws the line at three months before a skill requires remediation.)
Very curious what experiences others on have had with this...