Lapsed National Registry Paramedic


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Has anyone out there let their NREMT-P lapse and re certified? I'm just looking for some tips on what you did to get it and what you may have done differently, other than not letting it lapse in the first place.
I let mine lapse in 1999 and got it back a year later.

I had to take a paramedic refresher and then sit for the exam.

I am unsure what the procedures are with the new guidelines going into effect.

I just let my NR lapse again this year 2011. In Rick perry fashion "Oops!"
Gotcha. I looked up the requirements. I have to take the registry refresher course, then take both the practical and cognitive exam. I mostly just wondering about studying without having to reread all of the Brady series that we used when I took the course 4 1/2 years ago.
Cautionary Note

Am also in the process of regaining my Medic through NREMT. The Registry has pretty clear guidelines but be prepared for two hurdles:

1. "Have a letter of support from the State EMS office..." In my State that means I have had to get the support of both the Chief of my service and our Medical Director as well. Also be prepared to have Official with a captial "O" copies of everything.

2. More importantly, have a formal plan for getting your clinical skills up to date. If re-entering it has likely been a while since you dropped a tube, did a drip calculation or read a 12-lead when fatigued or otherwise functioned at a level of proficiency any patient deserves from a medic. That is true for me anyway. (My rural service draws the line at three months before a skill requires remediation.)

Very curious what experiences others on have had with this...
Thanks for the warning on having the official copies. I didn't realize that was such a pain, but I imagine anything from the state office here inGA being difficult.