Laid off at hospital, signed up for medic school yesterday.

How's that different then any AAS schedule at a college? (It's not)
Hey, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean Micro Biology, thats Bio 234. I don't know why that was in my head. Biology 211 and Chem 104 are prerequisites for A&P. Sorry again.

How difficult is it to get an Oregon license if you have met the pre-reqs? From what I understand you don't HAVE to have your AAS in order to practice in Oregon. You can apply for a provisional license while you finish the degree. You basically have to have a job first though and then you get a temp paramedics license to practice for the duration of the schooling required (a set amount of time).

Are those educational requirements across the board for transferring an AAS? I only ask because the requirements for Reciprocity are "an AAS in applied science or 'higher', IE an AAS in paramedicine. The ciriculum for the school I'll be getting my AAS through is as follows:

APHY 101 Anatomy and Physiology I 3
APHY 102 Anatomy and Physiology II 3
COMM XXX Communications Elective 3
ENGL 111 English Composition 3
IVYT 1XX Life Skills Elective 1
MATH 1XX Mathematics Elective 3
XXXX XXX Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective 3

Erm...sorry for the threadjack. PM me if you can Armor