Kuwait EMT job... any advice or information?

Yeah, they told me there are no more positions available, yet the job is still up on their website. Lame...

They still have open medic positions.
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Did you make it over?

just finished a phone interview with a recruiter today. he said he would be recommending me to the hiring agency (GWU). He was however pretty light on the details about the job. can anyone give me a little more info. i've been doing this for 8 years so i know what to expect call wise and ive been to kuwait twice already for the military so i know the area. what im looking for is daily life, station life, contract issues, job quality. things like that. one specific was he mentioned going from 48 on/off to 8 hour days. that seems like it wuold be a steep pay cut and hour cut is this true? how are they making it up? feel free to post or PM as ill be checking daily. i really appreciate any feedback. thank you.

How is it over there?
Got a call from GWU and the dude said he was going to recommend me to the hiring board. I have no idea what to expect if I go over there. If anyone could message me or reply on here and let me know how daily life, call type, and volume are over there it would be awesome and if we work and live off of a FOB. I asked the guy but he said he didn't know any of the details other than the hourly rate and it's a year contract.
Got a call from GWU and the dude said he was going to recommend me to the hiring board. I have no idea what to expect if I go over there. If anyone could message me or reply on here and let me know how daily life, call type, and volume are over there it would be awesome and if we work and live off of a FOB. I asked the guy but he said he didn't know any of the details other than the hourly rate and it's a year contract.

I'm pissed. They told me there were no more positions left, back in May. I started Nursing school now but would have liked to make some money before then!!!
I'm pissed. They told me there were no more positions left, back in May. I started Nursing school now but would have liked to make some money before then!!!

I saw your profile says basic. This was for paramedic. I'm not sure if there's basic openings or not