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Hello All,

I recently have taken my EMT practical exam. During the KED station when I got down to the leg straps they were tight as soon as I clipped them in. I went back and tightened them as much as I can.

I suspect that the straps got caught on something causing them to be tight. Are their any tips you may have to prevent that from hapening? I haven’t gotten my results back yet. My concern is that the straps would loosen when they picked up the patient, causing me to fail the station.

Long story short. Do any of you have any tips when securing the legs straps on the ked?

In the case you describe, which has more to do with you worrying than anything else, simply LOOK. Then; LOOK AGAIN. But there's a catch: You really have to pay attention!
The key to KED leg straps is to "saw" them up under the leg. Don't be afraid to tighten them up and if things don't seem right, you can always go back and reassess the straps before you verbalize the move to the LSB.

I've found that most people are afraid to cinch the straps too tightly and then the vest moves during the lift, and the student fails.

Tight straps, Check CMS, make sure the head in neutral and in line, the C collar is sized correctly and "My Baby Looks Hot Tonight".
Make sure they are wicked tight during the practical exam. I was taking a recertification exam once, (CT once had these) and the evaluator was the victim. When it came to tightening the leg straps, I said to him, I would really tighten these, but in deference to him, I told him I would not make them too tight. Well, he flunked us on the station for not making them really tight.

So take no chances, even if it makes him a soprano. He will let you know when they are tight enough, and as n7lxi said remember "My Baby Looks Hot Tonight.

pt. discomfort during testing is a big reason why people fail the practical portion. Its more a bad habit while practicing during class and on your classmates. The fact is make everything as tight as possible. You would rather have an examiner say to you (if they are being keded) they see its tight now loosen them up for their comfort. Ive seen this done.

Also, with the ked, make sure you check for tightness and make sure the straps are not around the back or legs of the chair. This happens all the time so ive been told. My partner actually did this to me during practice once. Of course i could see b.c my head was immobilized. I stood up with the chair attached to me in front of the whole class.
I've played KED victim more than a few times and there is no way to make it comfortable for the patient. So, you might as well lock them up tight and pass your station.

As mentioned before, see-saw the straps under the PT's legs and feed the lines through really well. If you have doubts about the straps, check them again. After the PT is all buckled up, go back and tighten the straps again.

Best of luck.