Just when I thought we gave enough of our arms and legs...


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I'm looking through my JEMS magazine, reading the article on "The Vague OD". Page 62 for you whacker subscribers out there.

I come upon this advertisement for "The Big Shears". Compares your run of the mill shears to cutting a paper airplane, and the new deal to cutting a jet. I'm thinking, awesome, I gotta have a pair.. or three...

Now, I have dozens of pairs of the regular shears, all over the place. I use them for every day things, working in the garage, the garden, etc. The quirk to this is, I can get them ANYWHERE.. The pharmacy, Walmart, any catalog, and free from a Drug rep, if I don't mind advertising Viagara, or some new allergy med. The most I've ever paid for a pair of job shears, you may call them Trauma Shears, maybe around five bucks.

I log into the site below, and I click on "purchase online".

:O Whacker Shock. Or is it sticker shock?

$59.99 for a pair of these shears!

I can cut five layers of clothing, three layers of leather, bunker gear, an entire set of aluminum shelves, or a galvanized steel bucket with my Walmart trauma shears, and that cost me $3.99. I did a lot of this on the job, or when I was restoring my ambulances. The worst that would happen, is I'd have to realign the shears. But for $3.99, it really didn't phase me.

Knowing that our jobs aren't that high on the payroll, and that equipment costs an arm and a leg.. because they know we need it. This is almost an insult.. And no, I didn't buy a pair...

What the hell is so special about this product that would make a responder pay sixty bucks for it... and if you want a holster to keep it in, that's going to cost you $98 bucks!


Thanks! I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to spend money I don't have. :)
Now Alex...did you not read about these magical wonderful shears.

They will make the person holding them exclaim "WOW!" the very first time they touch them.

And the handle can break out a window in case of an emergency.

They are Chrome! We all know boys LOVE chrome! Can you hear the grunting now!:rolleyes:
If I can't break the window with my punch, a key, my bottle, or a tool... I'll break their antenna off and use that.

Still.. A sixty dollar pair of shears? Do they have a satalite tracking device in case I lose them or they are stolen? :rolleyes:
do they slice, dice & make julian fries for $60 ????
Do they come with the swimsuit issue absolutely free?
the sad thing is, if they are charging $60, they must be getting it from some people or they would change their prices.

So somewhere out there, are some EMS people with "Really COOL" shears that make them exclaim WOW!! when they touch them.
I'd like to know the production cost of them...
They've got SUPERWHACKERBUFF written all over them

on the other hand, Will they cut a car apart faster than the jaws of life?
I'd like to know the production cost of them...

probably $1.50 a pair
Just wait until the Next Fire/Ems Expo, you will most likely see someone selling them there.
It costs 49 cents a pair to make, but $27 more to run the glossy ads.... :)
$60 for a pair of shears.....do i press a button and they cut by themselves?:P
We'll get you an easy button... I seen them at Staples.

these actually look pretty cool!

MedicStudentJon said:
these actually look pretty cool!


They sure do.............but that ain't $60 bucks worth of cool..........
MedicStudentJon said:
these actually look pretty cool!


Cool like a littman? Awe, it's only 200 bucks. Oops, I lost it, okay, 200 more.. ooops..

How many pairs of scissors do you go through?

I lose mine all the time.