Just took my NREMT EMT-B exam (2nd time)


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Well comparing the first time to this time, It seemed much harder. The first time I took it I stopped at 120. This time it stopped in the 70's, i don't remember the exact number but it was in the 70's. I got a repeat question like four times, but I answered it the same way every time. I even checked to make sure I answered it correctly from my book and i did.

Well I am freaking out a bit, because I had a lot of medical questions and the test ended in the 70's.

I studied everyday for the past 5 weeks, using my book, skills sheets and emtprep.com. I hope it all helped. I am just not sure if I passed or not.
You probably did fine. And if not... You get 4 more tries!!!
Good luck. I'm sure you did fine. You have said you have been studying.

And don't listen to anyone who tries telling you wether you passed/failed based on the number of questions.
On my medic NREMT I got stopped in the 60's. Everyone told me I had to of been cut off because I "failed so miserably and had no hope of recovery" (they were very supportive as you can see). Everyone said you had to have a minimum of 70 questions to pass.

Long behold- I passed. With less then 70 questions on my first try ( I had some choice words for everyone who made a point to cause me anxiety of "failing"until I got my results)

Trust your knowledge. Only you know how well you know the material. No one will be able to say wether you passed or not based on your # of questions.
Good luck. I'm sure you did fine. You have said you have been studying.

And don't listen to anyone who tries telling you wether you passed/failed based on the number of questions.
On my medic NREMT I got stopped in the 60's. Everyone told me I had to of been cut off because I "failed so miserably and had no hope of recovery" (they were very supportive as you can see). Everyone said you had to have a minimum of 70 questions to pass.

Long behold- I passed. With less then 70 questions on my first try ( I had some choice words for everyone who made a point to cause me anxiety of "failing"until I got my results)

Trust your knowledge. Only you know how well you know the material. No one will be able to say wether you passed or not based on your # of questions.

Thank you...yeah I kept getting repeat questions that got me nervous. It was regarding sucking chest wounds. I remembered my skills steps and answered it the way I studied. I came home and checked and yep glove hand comes before occlusive dressing. Plus I kept getting the same question about a choking patient coughing forcefully and what to do. I just answered them the same each time.
Ironically enough I just posted something on one of the forums about using your gloved hand. Lol

What did you answer about the hiking patient? Encourage patient to continue coughing?
Ironically enough I just posted something on one of the forums about using your gloved hand. Lol

What did you answer about the hiking patient? Encourage patient to continue coughing?

Yes, encourage the pt to continue coughing forcefully, funny this time I seem to get a lot more Medical questions though and some that I never heard of before. That makes me nervous
National registry is a giant mind ****.

I thought my national registry was ridiculously easy. I thought I had to of failed because it shouldn't of been so simple. I guess I just got lucky. It's a big pool of questions they pull from and I think luck was on my side that day. I have heard of some of the questions others have gotten and been shocked.

Some of the hardest tests I have taken are written EMS-Paramedic tests during application processes for jobs. Those tend to have a lot of drug calculations and questions related to treatment based on their protocols.

So always get a company's protocols and review them before applying. That's my personal advice. Lol
National registry is a giant mind ****.

I thought my national registry was ridiculously easy. I thought I had to of failed because it shouldn't of been so simple. I guess I just got lucky. It's a big pool of questions they pull from and I think luck was on my side that day. I have heard of some of the questions others have gotten and been shocked.

Some of the hardest tests I have taken are written EMS-Paramedic tests during application processes for jobs. Those tend to have a lot of drug calculations and questions related to treatment based on their protocols.

So always get a company's protocols and review them before applying. That's my personal advice. Lol

Yeah, its frustrating because what can be a hard questions for one person my not be considered hard on the exam. It just seemed like there were a lot of medical questions this time for me. Which to me I think medical is the hardest category, but again that's just me. I'm hoping that the exam considered those as hard questions and I got some of them right, putting me at a better chance of passing and the reason I got cut off in the 70's
Yeah, its frustrating because what can be a hard questions for one person my not be considered hard on the exam. It just seemed like there were a lot of medical questions this time for me. Which to me I think medical is the hardest category, but again that's just me. I'm hoping that the exam considered those as hard questions and I got some of them right, putting me at a better chance of passing and the reason I got cut off in the 70's
We all have different strengths. I personally love medical. But that's because I like patho-physc. People tend to do better in areas that interest them.

Always study the sections that dis-interest you most. Even if you feel confident in those sections. Because I can guarantee the less a section caught your attention, the less information you absorbed/remembered from it.
Glad you passed... I took mine on the 10th...it stopped me at 70.... I won't know if I passed or failed until Monday.. It's driving me nuts...