Just saw an AMR commerical...


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I'm thinking it's a Texas only commercial, because the EMT they showed in it had a Texas EMT-B patch. Didn't really state they were hiring or anything.

It was one of the corniest commericals I've seen... just the usual "When it's dark, AMR is there" and had an ambulance driving on a highway towards a hurricane while everyone else was headed the opposite direction.

First ambulance provider commercial I've ever seen on TV...

Since you saw it, it's obviously not a Texas only commercial :)
Why to they have commercials on teli? Its not like you can ring 911 and decide which EMS company you want to respond.... can you?:unsure:
Why to they have commercials on teli? Its not like you can ring 911 and decide which EMS company you want to respond.... can you?:unsure:

Um, it wasn't a commercial for consumers convincing them who to dial direct....

It was a recruiting commercial. Be all that you can be.
Hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices air television commercials. Why should it be any different for EMS companies?
Hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices air television commercials. Why should it be any different for EMS companies?

Non of those things advertise here. That so strange to me. Although I did hear one commercial for the cardiac services at a hospital the other day on the radio. Freaked me out. Seemed very ethically questionable to be telling people which hospital to go too given certain kinds of emergencies.

Equally odd is the idea of an ambulance service advertising for employees. But I spose it makes sense given the privatized system.
There was a website that was real hokey, lots of lights and sirens and over the top hero videos. I wish I could remember it. Might have been a commercial.

If anyone can remember post it up. Was the craziest recruitment video.
Why to they have commercials on teli? Its not like you can ring 911 and decide which EMS company you want to respond.... can you?:unsure:

It used to be considered unethical and actually could not advertise for attorneys, hospitals, physicians until about 25 years ago. Lawyers fought and won and that opened the door. Hospitals started advertising and competing against each other as well, describing that "they have the fastest ER" or "best cardiac surgery". There is one here that has won awards for their commercials as best produced. Similar to a Hallmark commercial of a boy that is deaf and finally hear his fathers voice or the mother listening to a heart that was her son's (organ donor) all tearful and very impressive.

In regards to EMS, not all communities have just one provider. Within years many strive to just be able to have any but I know of some that callers of 911 have a choice or maybe a member (subscription) to an EMS. So yes, there is even competition and advertising within those areas.

R/r 911
Non of those things advertise here. That so strange to me. Although I did hear one commercial for the cardiac services at a hospital the other day on the radio. Freaked me out. Seemed very ethically questionable to be telling people which hospital to go too given certain kinds of emergencies.

Equally odd is the idea of an ambulance service advertising for employees. But I spose it makes sense given the privatized system.

Why? Not every hospital has the same capabilities. A chest pain center advertising to come when you have heart problems as oppose to the little general down the street may save them some valuable time. It educates patients to the services available at certain hospitals.

And, hospitals are essentially a business and must entice patients. No patients no hospitals.
Why to they have commercials on teli? Its not like you can ring 911 and decide which EMS company you want to respond.... can you?:unsure:

Actually some places in the U.S. you CAN have your choice.... don't worry I find it strange too! :wacko:

Linuss... it may just be a TX thing.... I was watching a channel out of Dallas for the game.
Good for AMR! I kind of like that idea for a commercial.
Why? Not every hospital has the same capabilities. A chest pain center advertising to come when you have heart problems as oppose to the little general down the street may save them some valuable time. It educates patients to the services available at certain hospitals.

And, hospitals are essentially a business and must entice patients. No patients no hospitals.

This add was advertising a hospital cardiac care facilities and saying that if you had chest pain you should go _____ hospital...not call an ambulance, not go to nearest hospital or doctor. They were telling the whole of Melbourne (probably the whole of Victoria) to get in their car and drive to _____hospital when they had chest pain. Surely you can see how that could go wrong. Advertising by people with a vested interest in the product being advertised is by its very nature going to be poorly educative.

Hospitals aren't businesses. Not here. They're a health service. People are educated to go to hospital when appropriate through public health initiatives, not lured in by advertising that emotionally manipulates them. Then medical professionals decide on their treatment and the facility required, it's not decided by whoever had a bigger advertising budget.

No patients no hospitals? Like people wouldn't get sick and injured if there weren't advertising to tell them where to go if they do.

Aside from that, wow that would be weird ringing 000 and saying, "oh my god oh my god my dad just collapsed I need an ambulance", "Yes and which ambulance service would you like, we have a range of different providers for the working man like yourself, do you have a preference of ambulance colour? We have some lovely blue and red ones from AMR. You seem like the kind of guy who wants the best of care for him and those he loves, Ambulance Co are top of the line, plasma screens built into the roof, so now spinal immobilization can be fun for the whole family".