just in case

No, you need a full ALS kit with some extras from the hospital first. I recommend spending some quality time in the ER supply room. Chest tube trays,thoracotomy trays, a heart lung machine, anything you can find.

Dont forget the NICU trailer for your car.
But as long as I'm duty, I'm totally covered by Good Samaritan. I mean, Good Sam's gonna cover the last emergency appendectomy I did on the side of the road....right?
But as long as I'm duty, I'm totally covered by Good Samaritan. I mean, Good Sam's gonna cover the last emergency appendectomy I did on the side of the road....right?

Of course! And the gastric bypass.
But your Honor, She was SOOO morbidly obese that NOT preforming emergency field gastric bypass would have been criminally negligent!
But as long as I'm duty, I'm totally covered by Good Samaritan. I mean, Good Sam's gonna cover the last emergency appendectomy I did on the side of the road....right?

It should in Washington. I just got a full mobile surgical suite installed in my backpack! Despite the fact that I live 2 minutes from a level 1 trauma center, there will come the day that I have to perform an emergency aortic repair in the middle of the quad. I took a learning annex course and got the patch for it...
My basement is an exact duplicate of the NYPD's 13th precinct.
Where is your portable hyperbaric chamber!? Gosh! And you call yourself a medic!
Where is your portable hyperbaric chamber!? Gosh! And you call yourself a medic!

Sasha, I'm only a basic! We dont get hyperbaric chambers until we at least hit EMT-I down here. Now if I were to go work a few minutes away in Maryland or Virginia... Oh well, gotta get back to doing the field femoral cutdown!
My whole care is pressure sealed and capable of positive and negative pressures
My whole care is pressure sealed and capable of positive and negative pressures

Very impressive, but unless you have a daVinci surgical robot mounted behind the light bar on your POV, I wont be blown away.
I just keep a rollout revetment in my trunk.

Back up to the scene, unroll the landing strip, and a passing military C-17 will sense my need and land to set up their field hospital.