Jobs off craigslist? Oc/ie?


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Has anyone had an interview or offered a job from a company listed on craigslist? There are a few that I have seen mainly in Oc/Ie that don't list the company name. Just wanted to see if it seems fishy to anyone els out there. Thanks
The first company I worked for had a bunch of job postings on craigslist; it wasn't bad in my opinion. The company I worked for had a very high attrition rate though.
It happens in smaller BLS companies. Not necessarily a bad thing imo, however, if it seems like a fishy just might be. Alot of times EMTs leave a job in groups to go to medic school, so CraigsList is an easy way to advertise for job openings. But I have seen some out there that are pretty ridiculous in the info they provide regarding their services and what they offer.
When I was laid off and looking for work I quickly found out that craigslist is 99.9% BS for jobs. If the ad doesn't say the companies name in it then it's fake.
Hence the "if it seems fishy" :) I have always had great success, my first job I worked at for 8 yrs and my second for 6 yrs. So worked for me. But, I agree....if it doesnt have a name, thats kinda weird!