Job outlook


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I recently just joined this website and have loved browsing it. I just finished the first responder course and begin the EMT-b course and january. I am going to continue on to paramedic, but I have heard that jobs are hard to come by in the state of Florida. Does anyone know about this? I am also doing the fire academy, so I can be a fire fighter/paramedic. Any advice? Lastly, if the job outlook is bad how challenging is it to relocate to a different state? I know some states have requirements while others accept a certain out of state license.
Thank you,

I recently just joined this website and have loved browsing it. I just finished the first responder course and begin the EMT-b course and january. I am going to continue on to paramedic, but I have heard that jobs are hard to come by in the state of Florida. Does anyone know about this? I am also doing the fire academy, so I can be a fire fighter/paramedic. Any advice? Lastly, if the job outlook is bad how challenging is it to relocate to a different state? I know some states have requirements while others accept a certain out of state license.
Thank you,

Easiest way to transfer from state to state is to have your national registry also. Most states accept the NR and will give your card, other states will accept as a way of saying you had the class but you will still need to take a written and practical test. Some states is just written, it all depends on the state.

On the Florida side for jobs, I do not know. I do know that in the Northwest, there is a lot of private agencies that are hiring paramedics. Most are IFT companies, and there is a few 911.

Now for getting a job, apply everywhere and test everywhere! make a list and rank all the agencies, from your number 1 being this is my dream agency and go down. So when an agency offers you a job, you already know if its a job that you are going to take right away, or an agency that you will think about taking the job. But remember if you turn down a job, the other agencies still might not hire you. Also, remember you can always quit a agency to move to another agency
See my thread a page or two further called Central Flroidian Seeks Advice. I asked the same questions :)