Israeli Wound Closure

Stihl and Wesson-of course.
Kenny would be very disappointed in you my friend. The type of closure offered by this device was not meant for punctures-obviously- but for exit wounds (with closable potential). , lacerations, avulsions, amputations, etc. as my comments illustrated.

I've read more on the this type of closure and I'm at a point that arguing for or against it is still open although it doesn't just seem to be a device or concept that should be scoffed at by anyone but the willingly ignorant and cartoon characters (of which you are obviously neither).

I came from a time when tourniquets were deemed to dangerous to use based on junk science. And now... SOP. I've seen this time and time again. Read a little more about them, add the typical progression and evolution of new products and them let me know what you think. Just don't let your wound get caught in the zipper. "SARCASM-JOKE"

Let me know when you want to come on over. Bring your saw and we'll do some target shooting. "SARCASM-JOKE" I don't let anyone not skilled in preventive saw hazard mitigation shoot my saw. You should know that by now.....