Is this an okay layout for an Entry Level EMT-B resume?


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I am graduating and taking my NRAEMT in two weeks, so I am touching up my resume. I wanted to get a little creative with it so I can stand out against all of the graduates I will be competing against without getting too unprofessional/cheesey. I thought of changing the layout this way:

Pertinent History
Qualities (would include both professional qualities and certifications)

(OPQRST Acronym if it isn't obvious)
Would this be alright? Also, I was wondering if it would be okay to apply for positions prior to certification or if I should wait. I've heard some places will offer positions conditional to result of schooling in other fields so I wasn't sure if it is the same for EMS. Thanks!
I suck at resumes, so I'll only address the last question. And the answer is, it depends. Some states will throw out appications for non-certified applicants. It depends on how the oversupply of EMS providers in the area.
My format is:

OBJECTIVE: Their mission statement personalized to me.

EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION/COMMUNITY SERVICE: These will each be a separate section, but place them in the order of priority (what you have most of). If you have no pertinent experience but lots of community involvement, list as COMMUNITY SERVICE/EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE

INTERESTS: I have recently added this one line at the very bottom to include things I do on days off. You never know when Scuba Diving will strike a chord with a panel member.
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