Is this a sign of a bad company?


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I applied for an emt position, got a called back and set up an interview. I was prepared to go in and be asked interview questions that most employeers ask. I was only asked "I see you worked at ..... How did that go?" Then was told "Here's our starting pay, before employment we do this, this, this...." And just told me everything they do and things about them. And asked if I wanted the position. I said yes since I need the experience, but I didn't think it was a very professional "interview." This was with the HR manager, she also told me they really need emts. She seems like a very nice lady but didn't seem to do her job very well. I don't want to bash the company since I'll be working with them, but I heard from a former employee that they weren't "the best". Could this non interview be a bad sign? I don't plan to be with them forever, I just need the experience with someone and eventually move on to medic and fire. They're a private company, family owned. Been around in this area forever.
An easy in is a red flag for any job, not a guarantee of a crappy workplace, but enough to make you wary. Experience is experience is experience.
If you are worried, set a limit and stick to it. Be on your guard for poor practices.

You are likely to not stick around for very long.
Maybe others can answer this better, but I don't think that working for a more "relaxed" company doesn't mean that you can't do right by your patients. Just makes it harder in some cases. But if you're looking for experience, I'd be concerned about being taught poor practice and generally picking up bad habits.
Moved to the Employment section.
Is a more structured and formal interview process a sign that a company is good to work for? Of course not.

Formality is just that - formality. For a low-skilled job (no offense intended, just being realistic) such as an entry-level EMT, looking at someone's employment history and talking to them for a few minutes will probably tell you everything you need to know about them. It's not like a job working CCT or HEMS where someone's knowledge base and skill set is really important and can only be determined through testing and scenario-based questions.

It might be a good company to work for, or it might be a bad one - but the brief interview doesn't answer that question either way.
Tk, I know you're not asking for this kind of advice, but let me offer it anyway:

Even if you're not still a candidate to work at the company you're criticizing, I assume you'll be looking for other jobs at some point. You might want to remove your birth date from your profile. You never know when a prospective employer might stumble upon an unfavorable comment you've made on social media. The birth date would make it easier to identify you.

Or you could just not post negative comments about someone who might be offering you a job, even if you're 100% right about what you said.
Tk, I know you're not asking for this kind of advice, but let me offer it anyway:

Even if you're not still a candidate to work at the company you're criticizing, I assume you'll be looking for other jobs at some point. You might want to remove your birth date from your profile. You never know when a prospective employer might stumble upon an unfavorable comment you've made on social media. The birth date would make it easier to identify you.

Or you could just not post negative comments about someone who might be offering you a job, even if you're 100% right about what you said.
Thanks, but that birth date isn't my real birth date. I never use my real info on websites in the first place.
From my experience many EMS groups don't have the slick HR stuff we've come to expect. After doing a lot of interviews and working with a few groups, they all tend to be more direct. A lot of times they have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. So that doesn't throw up a red flag to me. See how the actually run the business before passing judgement.
Sounds like a revolving door. If they hire medics with a pulse and a patch and don't have testing IN GENERAL there is a reason for it. Bad area, bad company, stepping stone company for a better service in the area, etc. But if you are just looking for experience that would more then likely be a good move.