Is it hard to find employment in ems after emt school


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I have no previous healthcare experience, I'm also only 19. The business I was working for was basically bought out and they brought in all new employees, so I'm out of a job. I plan on taking the NREMT next week and obviously I want to work in ems but also wasn't expecting to be not working at all right now. So I don't know if I should take the NREMT, hopefully pass and look for work? Or look for work elsewhere? Will it be difficult for me to find an emt job.. I'm in the metro Detriot area if that means anything.
It depends on your location and how stupid you may or may not be.
Yeah, your location is going to be the driving force with several factors. Your age may be an issue, too, because of experience and driving insurability. But, hey, if you wanna stick with give it a shot. Don't psych yourself out of it but don't get caught wearing the rose colored glasses either.
Metro Detroit, from when I almost relocated to NE Michigan had decent opportunities because of turnover. Of course, I heard there was good reason for turnover so just go in eyes open.
I'd look at ER tech jobs, since many places won't let you drive under 21 due to insurance reasons.
Have you considered the military?
Firefighter/medic is what I want to purse right now
If you're the right kind of candidate, you may get hired by a fire dept without any previous experience. But most don't score at the very top of the hiring list and have to apply for a few years before getting hired at a FD.
If you're the right kind of candidate, you may get hired by a fire dept without any previous experience. But most don't score at the very top of the hiring list and have to apply for a few years before getting hired at a FD.
I'd look for a job with a FD after I get my medic license. Right now I just finished emt and I don't have fire training yet. I'd just like to work for an ambulance company and move forward from there.
Depends on your area, Personality , and driving record IMO.

I went out of EMT school RIGHT in to a job a month later ( the month was the employment process )

If you're personable and your interviewer thinks you are smart enough out of EMT school you may be hired, also if the company you applied for is hurting for members , that could also play a factor, I was told this company never hires brand new EMT's and you need 5+ years experience or to know someone to even be considered , but I applied anyways and got the job. it NEVER hurts to apply though.