

Forum Captain
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Soo, I got an interview on Friday ^_^.
Good Job!!!
Thanks, now lets hope if I get this job I can actually keep it this time haha.
Good luck. Keep us posted!
I'll have to actually study a lot if I get this job haha. Before I worked MA/RI but now if I am hired it will just be RI. My class said it trained you for RI but you know we didn't mention things like the EOA ( had to take an extra class to learn this and how to actually use a MAST0) and narcan. Yay for studying protocols ;)
Good luck man, its a tough market around here.
where exactly in the boston area do you plan on working?
good luck, i hope it works out for you
I am actually not working in MA. I live in a town bordering Rhode Island so I got certified in RI and thats where I will be working.
Just an update. I got the job. I just have to wait for new uniforms come in. Then I am going to set up my ride time, go over policies etc.