Interview Process American Ambulance (Fresno)


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Yes I have decided to become EMT and this is my First attempt at scheduling an interview with American Ambulance here in Fresno CA!!

I don't mind having to relocate for work since I have read in few threads just how difficult the process is starting out as someone who has limited first had experience aside from a few uneventful ride alongs :) Can I anticipate a lenghtly interview process. Obviously i expect questions that tests my skills and abilities.

Maybe I have to perform a patient assessment on an interviewer. I feel prepared enough through my education to succeed at that. I have also seemed to have read the market here is oversaturted with basic emts so EMS is a expanding field so I don't mind it is expected to have competition.

Can someone share their story about how the interviews are administered especilly for American Ambulance. It is a very good company career oriented.
I did my para internship there. AA is a busy system and they cover a large area. I don't have any answers for your interview but I can tell you if they are hiring outside their own program than that is a good thing for you. When I was there they weren't accepting outside interest due to the fact they put their own through their own medic program there. But than again your going for a EMT position and I was going through my para internship.
Fresno has the whole social and economical Gama there so if your hired expect to see it all there.

good luck
I have no idea about American Fresno, but I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. Many of the Tulare County companies (also part of the CCEMSA system so your card is good there) are hiring EMTs as well. I would apply to all the companies in the Fresno/Kings/Madera/Tulare system and see what happens.