Interest in EMT


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I am fairly new to this as two days ago it suddenly hit me to look into EMT, so I'll be browsing through the forums to find info. Please bare with me with all my questions....

What is the certification process like and where can I find a class? College?
Where can I dig up money to pay for the class? (classes not covered by financial aid at Queensboro Community College. Worst case scenario is I'll pay out of pocket)
General tips on starting out with classes and any other helpful for a young lady such as myself on anything related to beginner EMT?
Are part-time positions available? Or is this generally a full time occupation?

Interested in doing this to take some time off from college before I head into med school (if I do). Want to gain some more experience in trauma and emergency procedures, that sort of thing. Think it's a good idea?
For certification, you take a class, which typically is 2weeks (accelerated) to 4 month college course for your EMT training. After that, in most states you take a national certification exam called the National Registry. New York has their own test that they give EMTs, but I don't know too much about its specifics.

For money: Most community colleges are cheap as it is. I only paid $500 for my EMT class, including books. Someone in your area will have a better idea on cost. Many schools, in my experience, are willing to work with students to work out some sort of payment plan in advance. Never hurts to ask.

Just study, and if it interest you, continue on to your paramedic.

Yes, there are plenty of part time jobs available, as well as PRN and full time. It just depends on the company and how saturated the market is with EMTs in your area.

You'll find varying opinions if it's a good idea to do EMT for medical school experience. We have a few EMTs here who are in the process of either applying to medical school, or are actually in medical school. Others advocate not waiting just for the experience, as hey, you'll have a residency.
Highly suggest it!

I would encourage you to pursue the EMT course as making yourself more marketable for the future is beneficial to you. Patient care is critical and if you have just the basics of on the job training you're a step ahead of the pack. My better half is a PA student at the University of Florida and if she did not have the knowledge she gained as an EMT first, entry into a program with such a high degree of talent would have put her at a disadvantage.

I recently completed my EMT certification and it was a wonderful experience. Yes the training is a bit tough but if you dedicate the time and effort it will pay off in what you will achieve. As for me, I'm in the service so tuition assistance paid for my entire course. In Florida with the labs, books and other elements needed, it was 1300.00 since the curriculum is in excess of 220 hours. If you look into the local community colleges, there are several options you may choose from to ease the financial burden, I would speak with one of the representatives there or look on the net for programs that are close to you. Fairly often, if you join a volunteer fire fighting station they may foot the bill for time you dedicate to their organization.

I cannot overstress in my opinion what becoming an EMT can do for the pursuance of another career in the medical field or law enforcement, just about everyone I know from Nurse Practitioners to PA's and Doctors have had some type of pre-hospital care in their resume by either becoming an EMT or a Paramedic. Best of luck in your search and if you have any specific questions, we are all here to assist.
I am fairly new to this as two days ago it suddenly hit me to look into EMT, so I'll be browsing through the forums to find info. Please bare with me with all my questions....

What is the certification process like and where can I find a class? College?
Where can I dig up money to pay for the class? (classes not covered by financial aid at Queensboro Community College. Worst case scenario is I'll pay out of pocket)
General tips on starting out with classes and any other helpful for a young lady such as myself on anything related to beginner EMT?
Are part-time positions available? Or is this generally a full time occupation?

Interested in doing this to take some time off from college before I head into med school (if I do). Want to gain some more experience in trauma and emergency procedures, that sort of thing. Think it's a good idea?

I just started class at Laguardia Community College yesterday (night session)- 875 tuition, 200 dollars for books.

the class is pretty packed with a good mixture of people 61 (one was a no show on the first day) - mostly young'ns both guys and gals - i'm 39 - i think there are 2 older than me.
Good luck with your class, let us know how it goes and if you have any questions feel free to ask away here.
If you decide this is for you do not waste time staying an EMT but actually go get your Paramedic education so you can do more good for your patients.
If you decide this is for you do not waste time staying an EMT but actually go get your Paramedic education so you can do more good for your patients.

would you not want to get at least a couple of years under your belt before heading off to being a paramedic?
I am fairly new to this as two days ago it suddenly hit me to look into EMT, so I'll be browsing through the forums to find info. Please bare with me with all my questions....

It's EMS hun :) Emergency medical EMT is a technician that works in EMS ^_^

What is the certification process like and where can I find a class? College?
Many community colleges offer it. Rescue squads and departments offer it as well. Colleges take 2 semesters. Squads normally take about 3-4 months.
Where can I dig up money to pay for the class? (classes not covered by financial aid at Queensboro Community College. Worst case scenario is I'll pay out of pocket) Paying out of pocket is common. Mine was $500 some for my 1st through a community college. BUT, if you get onto a local rescue squad, they'll often reimburse you if you join and commit to them before you register.
General tips on starting out with classes and any other helpful for a young lady such as myself on anything related to beginner EMT? Get an EMT book and start reading. The EMT-B is a lot of memorization, mostly in the beginning. Again, also be looking into joining a volunteer crew. You'll get experience.
Are part-time positions available? Or is this generally a full time occupation? Generally it's full-time. Full-time being on for 24 and off for 48. Volunteers generally run night and weekend shifts for 12hrs at a time from around 6pm to 6am to be a relief to the paid crews.

Interested in doing this to take some time off from college before I head into med school (if I do). Want to gain some more experience in trauma and emergency procedures, that sort of thing. Think it's a good idea? I think it'll do you a lot of good, but if you go through a college and pay a lot of money for it, you may want to consider continuing volunteer work once you return to school. Most places will gladly accept a new EMT-B or student if they show promise.
would you not want to get at least a couple of years under your belt before heading off to being a paramedic?

No. Get a proper education and you will be better at taking care of the patient. I have yet to understand why EMS is the only medical field that believes you need to stop at the lower level before getting educated.
thanks everyone, i am looking into where they have classes in long island and queens and etc...
you guys gave me a lot of good tips.
i'll try to get in anywhere i can but taking the class certainly in the summer. i think it will be a good way for me to earn some experience before i head into med school. who knows maybe i'll be able to volunteer or work while i am in med school in ems.

thanks so much!
Hey Natka!

Its always good to see another EMT in the New York area! I live in the Queens area also and here is what I did. I took the EMT courses in Douglaston and I think it was a 6 month course. After I was certified and everything I joined a VAC and the captain was nice enough to speak to the coordinator of the classes and have the city reimburse me the 800 bucks. So you could that . I work for Jamaica Estates Volunteer Ambulance Corps. It gives you some experience in the beginning before you jump onto the bigger companies and they only require you to work 6 hours a week. They're really awesome and don't really bother you much if you can't make it that week. So look into it. PM me if you have any other questions. - this is the school I went to
oops sorry double posted
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Do you want to be an ambo or a doctor? Technician and medical school are about as far apart as polar opposites

You will learn nothing of value for medical school except maybe how to take a blood pressure and ask a few basic questions on taking a history
No. Get a proper education and you will be better at taking care of the patient. I have yet to understand why EMS is the only medical field that believes you need to stop at the lower level before getting educated.

interesting... i'll certainly consider your advice.
