Info on EMR to CCP


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My name is Evan and I'm a 16 Year old in grade ten looking for information on how to get my EMR and stages beyond that.
Any help is very appreciated. I guess to begin I this is more then just a dream job I'm already certified in Advanced CPR and AED usage. I have gone to SAIT as student for a day and attended a EMT class with a group/team of intelligent students to see if this type of job would be something i could do.
Anyway's the questions I have are
1. How, Where and how old must i be to get a EMR and anything special i need to know to get this certification.
2. The different scopes of practice i know both have EMR and EMT but i cant remember the names of practice.
3. Many students at the EMT course said having volunteer work is great to have on an application and resume. I was thinking i could volunteer at a hospital, but i dont know if there is any job that i can do not being a worker at the cafeteria but i also know i cant work in the ER any suggestions?
4.How long does it take/ cost to get your Critical Care Paramedic and can it still be use in Alberta or will it be a wast of time.
5.Any tips hints suggestions advice that will help me in anyway to get to this goal of CCP or EMT-P?
6. I'm also a Type 1 Diabetic besides the regular injections would this make the job any harder? In the way of well Hyper/Hypo glycemia. I dont know how to word it but if anyone knows what I'm trying to say your very smart haha
7. Where do i register to go on a ride along and is it a one time thing or can you go multiple time. Can you sign up for the city and area you want to go on the ride along and next to shootings are there any situation i could not be aloud to go with the EMS (such as burnings shootings stabbings).
Thanks much appreciated!
Hi Evan. I'll do my best to help you out here.

1. How, Where and how old must i be to get a EMR and anything special i need to know to get this certification.
You need to be 18 or over and have valid Level C or HCP level CPR/AED.

2. The different scopes of practice i know both have EMR and EMT but i cant remember the names of practice.
I don't know what you're asking here. EMR and EMT have very different scopes of practice. Look for them on the Alberta College of Paramedics website.

3. Many students at the EMT course said having volunteer work is great to have on an application and resume. I was thinking i could volunteer at a hospital, but i dont know if there is any job that i can do not being a worker at the cafeteria but i also know i cant work in the ER any suggestions?
Because of your age, I wouldn't have my focus there right now if I were you. Keep your focus on your high school grades and courses. Another idea for you is to look at volunteering at the CUPS clinic on 7th Ave, or the drop in centre.

4.How long does it take/ cost to get your Critical Care Paramedic and can it still be use in Alberta or will it be a wast of time.
In Alberta, we call it EMT-P not CCP. The course duration is 2 years. The costs vary from school to school. Since you are thinking of making this a career, why would you ask if it's a waste of time? Just curious.

5.Any tips hints suggestions advice that will help me in anyway to get to this goal of CCP or EMT-P?
Keep your high school grades up, take your biology courses, any sports medicine courses, 20/30 level classes, and your eye on the prize.

6. I'm also a Type 1 Diabetic besides the regular injections would this make the job any harder? In the way of well Hyper/Hypo glycemia. I dont know how to word it but if anyone knows what I'm trying to say your very smart haha
If you get medical clearance from a doctor, and have very good management of your diabetes, it shouldn't hold you back. Do your research on that one though.

7. Where do i register to go on a ride along and is it a one time thing or can you go multiple time. Can you sign up for the city and area you want to go on the ride along and next to shootings are there any situation i could not be aloud to go with the EMS (such as burnings shootings stabbings).
Thanks much appreciated!
Right now, you can't. You need to be 18 or over. We don't have municipal services anymore, it's all Alberta Health Services. There are some private ambulance services, you can find them in the yellow pages.
There are several type I diabetics working for our county third service EMS all wear insulin pumps and all have had no issues so far.
Thanks a lot that makes me think this wont be so hard to manage diabetes if i go into this occupation!
And thank you to VooDoo also for the help! But even when i turn 18 where and how would i contact Alberta Health Services I cannot find the specific number for them anyway thanks again!
You have to work through each level in turn. Most times you will need experience before moving on. EMR depending on how it is delivered can be up to 150-200 hours. PCP or EMT is usually 9 months up to a year in most places. In some it is 2 years. ACP or EMT-P is 1-2 years plus the work time in between. Not all provinces have CCPs. I believe there are only 4. It is another 1-2 years of education on top of having ACP experience.

As already stated the best thing you can do is work on finishing hs. If there is a St. John Ambulance cadet divisinew close to you, you may want to look into that for volunteer work. It will also offer you first aid training and contact with medics which will give you a feel for what the job is like.
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Thanks to you Medic Tim and everyone else for all the help its very much appreciated!