In Need Of Information


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I work for an ems group in houston. When we finish our run reports we seal them in an envelope and pit them in a drop box, where management collects them. Management is telling me I have a missing run report and if I dont write another one I will be removed from next weeks schedule. Somehow I or they managed to lose one out four reports in the same envelope. Now I know this cant be legal but where do I go to find out what I do. I know in the past they have withheld paychecks until medics "find" the missing run report. Whats worse is that the report was from several weeks back and it was such a vanilla one that I dont even rember the details well enough to "find" it if I wanted to. It is a private ems company and who makes the rules for thses guys. HELP!!!!
Did you provide a copy to the hospital as is required in Texas? If so ask them for a copy.
Every EMS service in the US is regulated by a State Health Dept. No EMS department makes up their own rules to follow except where permissible and for local operational stuff. Each State usually has specific rules regarding PCR's and submission.

If you are 100% confident you placed the report where it was supposed to be and its missing... then someone else obviously lost it... make sure management received that loud and clear. Although it sounds like they aren't willing to take the blame. In either case, a PCR needs to be completed and filed so if it doesn't show up then you will need to write another one. Things happen. As long as the report is from the same provider there is nothing "illegal" with typing a second report. You will just have to try to remember the details as clearly as possible and consult your partner.

I assume you guys don't use electronic PCR software where u could simply print another copy. I have not used paper PCR's in ages so never had to deal with this situation.
the company i work for seems to "lose" reports on a monthly basis. i've been told to rewrite one before but refused. amazingly they found it with a few days. an old partner of mine had one lost and rewrote his the just the information that was given to him from the cad sheet. for the narrative he wrote that he could not recall the details of the call, and also something about how they should keep better track of reports once they are turned in. he wasn't told it was lost until a month after the call was ran.
I dont even rember the details well enough to "find" it if I wanted to.

If you can't remember the details, try to pull up the dispatch information for the demographics, then simply state that the original report was unavailable and you are unable to recall any additional details regarding the call. Better that than trying to make up information. You never know which run sheet will earn you a trip to the witness stand, and you'd look mighty silly if you noted something incorrectly (like, L Leg BKA when it was actually a R Leg BKA). Never lie for anyone, because you will be the one to hang, not the company.
I work for an ems group in houston. When we finish our run reports we seal them in an envelope and pit them in a drop box, where management collects them. Management is telling me I have a missing run report and if I dont write another one I will be removed from next weeks schedule. Somehow I or they managed to lose one out four reports in the same envelope. Now I know this cant be legal but where do I go to find out what I do. I know in the past they have withheld paychecks until medics "find" the missing run report. Whats worse is that the report was from several weeks back and it was such a vanilla one that I dont even rember the details well enough to "find" it if I wanted to. It is a private ems company and who makes the rules for thses guys. HELP!!!!

John, you and I both know that there is not a flippin' thing you can do until they actually withold your pay check. then it becomes a FLSA issue that you can file with the Dept. of Labor. Unfortunately, this is very common in the unregulated mess that is Houston's private transfer industry. Its the same crooks starting up new companies after their current ones get shut down. You need to get with a reputable company first and foremost, but in the meantime I'd do an amended report for billing purposes that specifically states the circumstances and naming the individual mandating the report. That ought to shut them up, if not and they take action, contact Austin................

Good luck!
Now we are told we will be removed from the schedule for the next week unless reports are turned in.
Now we are told we will be removed from the schedule for the next week unless reports are turned in.

if that happens then go to tdh and talk to them about it.
if that happens then go to tdh and talk to them about it.

So what will they do? Tell you to write your report. As others have mentioned just state in report unable to obtain all information as origional paperwork was lost.
if that happens then go to tdh and talk to them about it.

TDSHS will do nothing, nor are they empowered to do so. A private employer in Texas has every right to alter a schedule or flat out terminate employment for any reason they see fit provided it does not violate discrimination laws.

Again, tactics like this are common for the couple hundred small crap private services that the city of Houston fails to acknowledge or regulate. There are very few private services that are worth the paper their license is printed on (by few, I mean maybe 5 or 6).

John, advice has been given. Its up to you to act on it. Again good luck.............
Do you really have to ask?????

You've been working in Houston for a while now, you know who is who..............

Off the top of my head:

1. NorthStar EMS - Decent education department, solid longevity and presence in Houston with reputable contracts, and is currently attempting a ground CCT service.

2. BayStar EMS - Another solid presence in the area. Good equipment and protocols, utilizes Paramedic intercept for IFT's. Interesting concept in the private sector.

3. Coastal EMS - Well organized, funded, great equipment, aggressive protocols. Currently holds the NASA contract for JSC and Ellington Field.

4. AemStar EMS - Does most of the special events in Houston. Offers a great 24/72 schedule for fulltimers. Not the best equipment, but seems to be an all right operation.

5. AMR - Only one big contract, but its the most solid Hospital system contract in Houston. Very well funded! Not my personal favorite, but probably has the most longevity of any service in Houston outside of HFD.

These would be my top 5, most of the rest are nothing more than medicare frauding dialysis taxi drivers..................