I'll be at California Capital Air show (Sacramento/Mather Airport)


Still crazy but elsewhere
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All day tomorrow. Allllll......daaaaayyyyyyyyy.
Sac Metro CERT is kind enough to let me observe their operation, so no swinging into operation from Medical Tent 1 or 2. I'll be the bald guy with a whte beard who isn't working.;)
Lucky Bastich... I get to work on those Airshow days... yet again. Which means I'll get to see some of the show on the way in, but not the whole darned show. :(
Good learning experience.

  • If you live in the greater Sacramento area and are interested and eligible, I highly recommend Sacramento Metro CERT.
  • If you are beyond two months pregnant and it is summer, or toting a small child or pet, or dehydrate easily or have any sort of lowering of your ability to physically cope or walk, and don't want to spend $3.50 for a 1/2 liter water, don't attend airshows, ok?
All day tomorrow. Allllll......daaaaayyyyyyyyy.
Sac Metro CERT is kind enough to let me observe their operation, so no swinging into operation from Medical Tent 1 or 2. I'll be the bald guy with a whte beard who isn't working.;)

Are you F'en kidding me!! I have not posted on here in a while, but I was working at MED tent 3 at the Air Show with MRC. I was out there both days.