If your partner was texting and driving and smoking in the ambulance....

This is something I do not understand - how can you be partnered with someone and yet ride shotgun with a pt in the back (a pedi pt nonetheless) ?
Thrid ride they told me to sit up front so the father could sit with the son.
Your to passive.

If my partner started smoking in the ambulance (which he would never do) I would probably smack it out of his hand and made some degrading remarks about his level of intelligence for smoking in a vehicle with oxygen onboard.

If he was texting, I would Tell him if he wants to pursue natural selection as a means to remove himself from the gene pool, that's fine, but I didn't agree to it, and if he kills me I'll haunt him relentlessly.

There would be a few other more profane words thrown around in there as well.

Obviously if your new don't verbally assault your partner, but I have been with the same partner for a long enough time that this is the type of behavior we have succumbed to.
These are the lessons of working and professionalism. Everyone needs to learn them and everyone starts out at some point and beginners might need some guidance. I think it's a valid question. It's a dilemma as the new guy to either point the finger or try to get along well with everyone. The best way to go I've found is to deal with it directly with the person doing wrong - say it nicely and don't be mean about it just point it out. If the situation continues, then inform management. That's the fair way to go. Good luck!
If my partner was smoking, texting and driving all at the same time, I'd first be pretty impressed with his/her multi-tasking abilities. Then I'd make the requisite remark about how smoking and texting in the truck isn't safe and that s/he needs to knock it off.