I hear people claim they passed with less than 70 from time to time. The Nremt executive director said it is not possible.... Minimum is 70 for Emt.
A friend emailed the Nremt during a previous "discussion" on the topic.
You take the national registry in Canada? I thought is was a US certification.
Additionally, according to the NREMT official web page-
"Eventually every candidate will reach his or her maximum ability level. In this way, the computer learns whether or not the individual is above the standard (entry-level competency) in these content areas, and the examination will end. 95% Confidence is Necessary to Pass or Fail a CAT Exam
The high achiever who is able to answer most of the questions correctly will find that the computer ends the exam early. Many candidates worry that something is wrong because the exam was so short. In reality, the computer was able to determine that the candidate jumped far higher than the standard level—or was well above the level of competency In a CAT exam. The computer stops the exam when it is 95% confident that the individual candidate has reached the level of competency. As mentioned before the length of a CAT exam is variable.
Sometimes a candidate can demonstrate a level of competency in as few as 60 test items. Sometimes, after 60 questions, the candidate has shown to be close to entry-level competency but the computer has not determined within the 95% confidence requirement that the candidate is either above or below the entry-level competency standard. In cases when the computer is not 95% confident, the test continues to provide additional items."
"There are two important concepts to remember about computer adaptive tests:
There is no minimum number or percent of correct items needed to pass as with a traditional paper-and-pencil test.
2. All candidates will be challenged to the limit of their ability, so everyone taking the exam will think it is difficult. "
The only thing stated numerically is the average amount of questions for the first responder is 80-110 questions, EMT is 70-120, and Paramedic is 80- 150, but that there is no max/min. People have gone below 80 and above 150. Which number you fall closest to is a good indicator of how well you did which is why most people who get in the 70's pass.
You/your friend are mistaken.