I know it won't mean much to the rest of you, but.....I'd like to say it anyhow.


Forum Deputy Chief
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It hurts to lose someone in your Fire/EMS family.

I just went to a memorial service for one of our first responders who died Christmas day.

He was a really great guy and was always smiling no matter what. I can remember one roll-over not to long ago where it was like one degree above freezing and windy. I was wet and tired of laying there cramped in the car with the trapped pt, and here comes Dean, just as wet and miserable as me, with a big old smile and a wool blanket. He always had a "Hi young feller!" ready for me and I loved working with him on scene. I'll miss him. He was kind of like an EMS granddaddy to some of us younger folks.

The service was really nice. He was a radio operator on a UASF B-36 during the Cold War, so the military honor gaurd was there too. Then his whole fire department and all us EMTs stood up while dispatch paged his "Final page-out". It was really neat. I did OK up till that part.

Thanks for the great times Dean. I'll miss you.
It means a whole lot - I have walked this path myself.

I'm thinking of you - and Dean will forever be with you - act in his honour.
That sounds really moving. Sounds like a great person to have worked with.
You're lucky to have had some one mentor you into the Work. It's kind of a rare thing, these days. Who you are, as a medic, in part reflects his energy living inside you. He passed on more than his knowledge to you, he passed on a little of his "mana" as it's called in Hawaiian -- his life force. Thanks for letting us know how much he meant to you, and don't sweat it, you'll do him proud!
I must say, one thing that really inspires me to be an EMT and a firefighter is the camraderie. Its really great to see that.