How many times have you eaten a Jello pudding cup with a fork?


Forum Crew Member
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I would have to say its been at least a handful of times I can remember.

But 5 minutes ago being the most recent. And I just wonder if any one else gets irritated like I do at the little bit that stays at the bottom that you cant reach??

Who thought this forum stuff would actually be so much fun? :P
Done it about a hundred times or so. but i always fall back my trusty knife to assist with cleaning out the bottom corners. And i always have my knife on me, so no sweat.
ever wonder why they call it "jello " pudding? pudding and jello are nothing alike. one is a dairy product and the other is jelled sugar water.
Last night. The hospital had snackpacks but no spoons. I considered licking it, but changed my mind.
Uhhhm that's when you use your fingers, duh.
Done it about a hundred times or so. but i always fall back my trusty knife to assist with cleaning out the bottom corners. And i always have my knife on me, so no sweat.
ever wonder why they call it "jello " pudding? pudding and jello are nothing alike. one is a dairy product and the other is jelled sugar water.

jello is the brand.
So you're never satisfied... not even with Jello Cups.

Dude, the real reason gloves and handwashing are so important is that you can use a finger for that.
Shrug, I just use my tongue to lick the remnants out.
Or the inside of the foil lid :P
So you're never satisfied... not even with Jello Cups.

Dude, the real reason gloves and handwashing are so important is that you can use a finger for that.


nope...not even with Jello cups :P

And I agree about the gloves/handwashing but when your about 3 steps below Howie Mandell on personal hygiene and you have one of those partners that sits across the cab and always turns in your direction as if they are watching you...not so

But I must say I have learned some creative ways to attempt like the foil lid....I must admit I have never even thought of that one!!

Kudos PoeticInjustice

Not pudding but Jello, yes.

It was frozen, speared it and started gnawing on it like a drumstick.
And the foil lid thing? I sliced (!!!) my tongue using the foil lid on a Dannon yogurt once. Oh Mommeee!
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510! Thats how many times I have ate pudding with a fork.
That certainly looks like a lot

but in reality its not that
Also... tongue depressors work well as chopsticks and spoons for pudding...
ASK me about what I've eaten with wooden tongue depressors!

Out of unused emesis basins.

Jail work=no metal utensils. No can openers. I learned to open cans with my old Lister scissors, and later my Tetrasnips.