How many people use the Glascow Coma Scale?

Interesting... Does anyone use RTS in addition?
Interesting... Does anyone use RTS in addition?

I calculate a Revised Trauma Score on a lot of patients along with several other scores on my iPhone.
I'd take Veneficus's report.

Gimme the breakdown anyday. Forgot about intubated, sedated, etc as sidebars.
Out here in San Diego we use BRIM (Breathing, Responsiveness, Eyes and Motor) but that is just a dumbed down GCS.

I didn't even know BRIM when I did my skills testing and just handed them GCS. I will use GCS, I like it better.

I work for a private co that does both 911 and transfer. I do my work in the 911 area, but am relief in the transfer part. We have GCS and RTS on our PCRs. We even have a scale printed on there too. I know them by heart now, and I use them every call, with every set of V/S. It helps to show trending, I am in a very rural system, no Hosp in County, so you can generally see the trending with your interventions. Well at least one way or another.