I'm employed in New Jersey, which uses the tier 2 system of EMT-B's getting both the life threats, and the not so life threats. When a life threat is dispatched, so is ALS, and we assist accordingly, frequently applying the EKG bits, blood pressure cuff, exc. Along with doing the obvious transporting.
I've come to understand that NJ is *** backwards when it comes to EMS, and am curious to those of you who run 911-EMS as EMT-B's, how many calls a shift do you get? Is your state a 2-tier system?
In a typical shift, I run 8-10 calls, 12 hour shifts.
I've only been doing this about a year and a half. I was incredibly fortunate that I went directly into 911 EMS right out of EMT school, so I'm still getting a feel for it, but yeah, I got thinking about the above.