How do I find companies?


Forum Asst. Chief
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How do I find out which places in the area are the 911 and which are private? Then how do I go about finding out which ones are hiring and so on and so forth? Last night I found out that there are several paid FDs that take EMT's only in the area, but I have no idea who/what/where and how to find out that information. Any ideas?
Have you tried some other forums, and are great sources of both fire and EMS information. If you go back to the WA state DOH website they have a listing of all licensed EMS agencies. The WSP (washington state patrol) website also has pertinent WA state fire/EMS information. Find the agencies in your area and start making calls. Most of the effort put into getting on with any agency is the foot work involved with putting together a list of perspective employers then learning how to give a good interview. That should get you started, keep asking questions and good luck!
Have you tried some other forums, and are great sources of both fire and EMS information. If you go back to the WA state DOH website they have a listing of all licensed EMS agencies. The WSP (washington state patrol) website also has pertinent WA state fire/EMS information. Find the agencies in your area and start making calls. Most of the effort put into getting on with any agency is the foot work involved with putting together a list of perspective employers then learning how to give a good interview. That should get you started, keep asking questions and good luck!

Thank you so much! :)
How do I find out which places in the area are the 911 and which are private? Then how do I go about finding out which ones are hiring and so on and so forth? Last night I found out that there are several paid FDs that take EMT's only in the area, but I have no idea who/what/where and how to find out that information. Any ideas?

Get out the good ole fashioned phone book and let yer fingers do the walkin!
Then vist their we sites. Gee education so far in arears that we just aren't teaching life skills anymore at all? Good luck in your search. :)
This is one of those things where you are going to have to do your own research. I cringe at even telling you this because I think it is too much help, but google is better than a phone book and will show you company names, addresses, phone numbers, and maps to all the local ambulance companies should you decide to use it.
Agreed with daedalus, leave the phone book alone. Whip out your google-fu and start hitting things up. I've been researching places to move to and what I've done is make a word file for the state, in the file I put a link to the protocols, the state EMS page, and then I break it down into cities I want to live in. MOST states have a page that lists every ambulance service and the area they operate in, all you need to do is narrow down the area, copy all the services and then make phone calls.

For washington they are really good, they list the area and all the company info. If it's fire/ems or private or city based EMS, then it's broken further into how many ground units, fixed wing, helicopters, CCT, etc. Gives you a good idea of what they do.

Just find that info and start making phone calls. it can be harder in states with HUNDREDS of mini services but it's all leg work. The internet in this is your friend, the phonebook these days is nothing but a waste of paper.
Best way to learn about services is visit with ambulance crews. Maybe catch them at a store and buy them a drink.
Best way to learn about services is visit with ambulance crews. Maybe catch them at a store and buy them a drink.

Make sure the drink is non alcoholic, by the way. Gatorade, water, soda. No beer.
Make sure the drink is non alcoholic, by the way. Gatorade, water, soda. No beer.

Wait we aren't supposed to drink on the job.....:huh:

If you have access to the area, that is a good idea. Gauge who you approach about it, some people may find it off putting.
This is one of those things where you are going to have to do your own research. I cringe at even telling you this because I think it is too much help, but google is better than a phone book and will show you company names, addresses, phone numbers, and maps to all the local ambulance companies should you decide to use it.

Well gosh, why didn't I think of that? ;) Just beginning at the beginning since our forum friend didn't know where to begin. Now there are plenty of ideas!
I've got the private companies in the areas. I was just having a hard time confirming if the FD based EMT service was the 911 everywhere, not just in *my* town. Then from there I was having trouble figuring out where the departments were and who was paid and who had only emts for their medical side. That's where I needed help. Thanks guys.
I've got the private companies in the areas. I was just having a hard time confirming if the FD based EMT service was the 911 everywhere, not just in *my* town. Then from there I was having trouble figuring out where the departments were and who was paid and who had only emts for their medical side. That's where I needed help. Thanks guys.

Confuzzled however, go knock on a firiendly door and ask. Anybody who has been around a while will probably have the answer and even a few connections. Good luck.