Agreed with daedalus, leave the phone book alone. Whip out your google-fu and start hitting things up. I've been researching places to move to and what I've done is make a word file for the state, in the file I put a link to the protocols, the state EMS page, and then I break it down into cities I want to live in. MOST states have a page that lists every ambulance service and the area they operate in, all you need to do is narrow down the area, copy all the services and then make phone calls.
For washington they are really good, they list the area and all the company info. If it's fire/ems or private or city based EMS, then it's broken further into how many ground units, fixed wing, helicopters, CCT, etc. Gives you a good idea of what they do.
Just find that info and start making phone calls. it can be harder in states with HUNDREDS of mini services but it's all leg work. The internet in this is your friend, the phonebook these days is nothing but a waste of paper.