I have been in the fire and ems business for over 10 years now. my first 5 years was with a dept. that was slow and ran ALS engines. Since then i have been with a fire dept that is intergrated with EMS. This dept is one of the busiest depts in the south, so 24 hours on an ambulance is no picnic! Right now we are working 24 on and 48 off. the 24 hour shifts are burning out our paramedics at an alarming rate! Not many can stand being awake for 24+ hours at a time. My question is, what kind of hours are other large depts working? I heard that chicago fire is on a 24-48 and EMS in on a 24-72, is this true and if so does it work? what do other services work, 12 hours, 3- 13 hours shifts, 24s.....