Horrible first experience as an EMT-B

Why does it have to be a firefighter? Are they the only medical providers that can do wrong?

His point is that Firefighters often don't do adequate evaluating patients and will often make up stuff. It doesn't happen often but I have had firefighters make up vitals instead of ever doing it. Thats not to say that every firefighter is a crappy EMT, but I rely on my own assessment, not theirs.

Most firefighters become firefighters to fight fire not provide EMS. Yet another reason why EMS should be removed from the fire service.
His point is that Firefighters often don't do adequate evaluating patients and will often make up stuff. It doesn't happen often but I have had firefighters make up vitals instead of ever doing it. Thats not to say that every firefighter is a crappy EMT, but I rely on my own assessment, not theirs.

Most firefighters become firefighters to fight fire not provide EMS. Yet another reason why EMS should be removed from the fire service.

This feud between private EMS and fire EMS is almost as stupid as the one between nypd and fdny.
Actually my point is, that I will never trust that particular FF's assessment skills again. I try to look through unoccluded eye protection at each new person that I work with. However, many f that up with the first words out of their mouth. :D
I announced on the radio, for all to hear once, that we were staging at the mortuary for a suicidal woman with a gun.

It took forever for me to hear the end of that one.

We all make mistakes. It's when you don't learn from them that it is a problem. Hopefully, whatever it was that happened no longer seems as horrible as it did at first.
This feud between private EMS and fire EMS is almost as stupid as the one between nypd and fdny.

I agree. However, I always do my own assessment from scratch rather than rely on Fire. There are a lot of excellent FF/EMT's out there. There are also a lot of FF's out there that want nothing to do with EMS. I just assume treat any patient received from Fire as if I am their first contact with the EMS system.

Teedubbyaw: Just who are you referring to as a troll? Care to back up that statement? Luno made a valid point as did I. Many EMS providers can tell you stories of FF's providing sub par EMS care its nothing knew. I am sure there are sub par EMS providers out there too.
I agree. However, I always do my own assessment from scratch rather than rely on Fire. There are a lot of excellent FF/EMT's out there. There are also a lot of FF's out there that want nothing to do with EMS. I just assume treat any patient received from Fire as if I am their first contact with the EMS system.

Teedubbyaw: Just who are you referring to as a troll? Care to back up that statement? Luno made a valid point as did I. Many EMS providers can tell you stories of FF's providing sub par EMS care its nothing knew. I am sure there are sub par EMS providers out there too.

I think he might have been referring to the OP.
Lets keep it on topic people.
His point is that Firefighters often don't do adequate evaluating patients and will often make up stuff. It doesn't happen often but I have had firefighters make up vitals instead of ever doing it. Thats not to say that every firefighter is a crappy EMT, but I rely on my own assessment, not theirs.

Most firefighters become firefighters to fight fire not provide EMS. Yet another reason why EMS should be removed from the fire service.

And my point is some of the best medics I've met have been firefighters. While we're stereotyping, most of the :censored::censored::censored::censored:tiest basics and medics I've met have worked on an ambulance, more specifically private companies. I usually groan when I see a private on scene because most of them couldn't be trusted to put on a nasal cannula correctly.

Relying on your own assessment or someone else's has absolutely nothing to do with what type of agency they work for.
The next person who posts about private EMS vs FD EMS is going to be the focus of my complete and undivided attention. Capisce?
<3 Aidey :D