Hope this is a good place to post my questions

Back again.

What would preliminary bloodwork detect and how long would it take for it to come back with results?

I'm trying to think of some news the family can receive within the first few hours, but it sounds like not much will be accomplished?

There isn't really a standard "preliminary blood work".

Do you really need the details? The docs aren't going to hit the family with a long list of abnormal blood test results and discuss the differential exactly at the moment that the come back from path.

All it needs is some reference to either waiting for hours, or getting the results pretty much instantly (most emergency departments have a certain amount of on site testing). Then some non specific words about whats wrong with the pt, or that they don't know, they'll do further tests and take good care of her and thats about it. Its all the family would get, I don't see why the audience needs any more.
Maybe the wait could generate tension

Otherwise, fake it like they do with their 23rd century computers and photo enhancers on "CSI".
Otherwise, fake it like they do with their 23rd century computers and photo enhancers on "CSI".

Yeah in the end, all the accurate detail in the world doesn't make good story and I'm happy to cop some inaccuracies for story that is good.

But then, I watch Grey's Anatomy, which is neither accurate or good in any sense, so there you go.
I'm actually quite insulted, Papa.

At the end of the day, it's not that I care to "wow" anyone with my knowledge of hospital proceedings. And it's not like I'm going to "bore" people by stating around using hospital terms that are above everyone's head--including my own.

The fact of the matter is, I know so very little, and I don't want to over-dramatize things. From what I've read and heard, the hospital scenes I am familiar with (on TV) are over-dramatized. I'm trying to avoid this and just stick with the facts. Also, I would prefer not to look like an idiot by using factually inaccurate material in my story.

I could just make something up, or I could do a bit of research and make it all the more believable.

I have worked too hard on this story to blow the authenticity by "winging it" and if that is what you would do in my situation, so be it. But there are things I am passionate about, and writing is one of them. I don't expect you to understand, though.

Thanks all who replied with more helpful answers.

That is exactly what I am trying to avoid--writing the wrong thing. I don't want people reading my story saying, "What a moron, that would never happen."

Yes, details are important to my story. I want to write an all-around good story, is that a crime?

I feel like after a few hours of being in the hospital, they would have to have something to tell the family. Blood work was all I could think of that would be fast and accurate. I know toxicology take a while to come back. I'm just looking for some sort of medical proceedings to take place amidst the other action.

That is exactly what I am trying to avoid--writing the wrong thing. I don't want people reading my story saying, "What a moron, that would never happen."

Yes, details are important to my story. I want to write an all-around good story, is that a crime?

I feel like after a few hours of being in the hospital, they would have to have something to tell the family. Blood work was all I could think of that would be fast and accurate. I know toxicology take a while to come back. I'm just looking for some sort of medical proceedings to take place amidst the other action.

Well,I'm just an EMT-B, not a doctor or a nurse, but:

-Full neurological exam
- chest X-ray
- EKG-12 leads
- Head CT-scan
- Check cardiac enzymes
- If the patient has difficulty to breathing/dyspneia/respiratory distress, the Nurse should take and ABG (arterial blood gas)
- Check electrolytes
- Echocardiography
-Tx screen
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From writer to writer

Be there.

Make arrangements with your local hospital to be an Observer in each of the services you are writing about. It is not unheard of to schedule ride-alongs either. At any rate, I highly reccommend making the effort to live it, if only for a little while. I promise you that you'll pick up details that will spin EVERYTHING in a new and better direction.

Yes, it won't be easy, but you're intrepid, I can feel it!
LIke Tender says

If we were all red hot writers, would we be sitting here wasting our time instead of shaping up our latest film treatment or e-novella?